Protective Deku

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[ ok, let's do something a little different , here's a mix of my old style and my new style , im thinking of finishing this already with a big bang , is there anyone still reading this ? ]

Izuku Midoriya just finished her student council duties when she started getting a chill down her back. Something was severely wrong. She bid her peers goodbye and started rushing to get out. 

Katsuki was waiting outside as usual and she didn't want to keep him waiting while this icky feeling was still haunting her. 

Once she got her regular shoes on, she started jogging to where Katsuki usually stands. What she saw as not something she wanted to ever see again.



Bakugou was dodging the guy as he was throwing spineless punches. His cocky attitude was showing and he was yawning as the attacker kept punching.


"You're hardly a man! You're the little bitch here if anything."

Izuku was glad he's not hurt, but she's more concerned whether an adult will come and see this. She doesn't want Katsuki or her to get in trouble.

She went to intervene, but saw something in the corner of her eye. There was another guy and he was approaching Katsuki with something shiny.

She recognized that guy! He was the one who tried to make her his girlfriend.

He kept getting closer and she recognized the shiny object as a blade! Kacchan's going to get hurt!


Just as Bakugou caught a punch and restrained the guy, the other one swung with the blunt knife. Izuku ran towards her beloved and covered him with her own body.


She felt sharp pain somewhere, but focused on disarming the guy by slamming her bag on his arm. The pain increased and she heard the clatter of the knife. The guy yelped like a child and backed off.

She saw the bloody knife on the ground and knew this was her chance. She will not let this boy hurt her Kacchan and get away unscathed. 

She dropped the bag she was holding and swung her arm as hard as she could. She managed to hand a hard hit on the corner of his eye and he fell like a ragdoll. Pathetic. Her arm started stinging after that one, but he deserved it.

She turned around and saw Katsuki copied her, knocking the first guy unconscious. He went to the other guy and gave him a violent kick on the other side of his face. He won't be looking the same for a while.


Izuku was happy he wasn't hurt at all since he's got so much energy.

Katsuki turned to her and hugged her, rubbing her back.

"Fuck, I'm so glad you're ok. Let me handle the knives from now on. You're fucking useless with them anyways, Deku."

She smiled at this and hugged him back. She did suck at cooking anyway.

Once the adrenaline in her veins cooled down, she started to feel the throbbing in her leg. Curious, she looked down at her leg and saw her stockings bright red. Above the white stocking was a huge gash. Because of her improperly disarming the guy, she managed to make the gash zigzag and pretty deep. 

The gaping hole taunted her and she started to feel lightheaded, her mind blanking. Izuku always hated blood coming out of her.

Katsuki stopped hugging her at this point and went to pick up her bag. He then noticed the knife was red. Knives usually aren't dripping red.

"Shit, Izuku! Where the hell did he cut you?!"

He started scanning her body and saw the large cut on her thigh. A little bit of her skirt got cut so the gash could be farther up. He noticed her hyperventilating and her eyes glazed over. Fuck.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm going to carry you to the hospital right now. Is that alright?"

At this point, her breathing was getting painful and tears were welling up in her eyes from the pain of just living and getting nicked. She nodded and felt herself get carried. 

From the lack of oxygen she was receiving, she blacked out for a bit.

[ since no one reads this anymore, ill spoil a few things, i started a bnha series called 'the stars align' that flopped so hard, i unpublished it here because no one likes too much spoilers -

- thats when i started thinking this year, what if i just did that series in this one, i had planned a lot of bakudeku romance in that one so it would be perfect , i changed the plot-line and made it more bakudeku as everyone wanted years back , -

- this series was supposed to be slice of life and really had no plot , now it does, this shall be my last arc before i get away from wattpad , - 

- more info is on my profile , if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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