Texting Deku

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The next day was hell for Katsuki. Rumors spread like a forest fire and everyone in 1-A surrounded him.

"Is she really your girlfriend?!"

"When did you two get together!"

"What does she look like?"

"What's her name?!"

Bakugou finally had enough of this and slammed his hands down on his desk.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! MY FUCKING LOVE LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" He stomped out of the classroom right when Aizawa-sensei came into the room.

The teacher didn't really care about their high school drama and just proceeded to give him an after school detention.

Meanwhile, Bakugou cooled down in the boy's bathroom, sitting on a closed toilet. He muttered evil plans of killing his classmates when he heard a ding. He dipped his hands into the pocket and pulled out his phone.

From Deku

You okay? You didn't respond to my last text.

He smiled at the photo he set up for her. It was from the time they went to the beach together. She looked shyly into the camera but that just made her all the more adorable. He blushed at the memory and started texting his reply.

To Deku

I'm fine. Stop worrying about every little shit. I'm just fucking pissed at the people in my class. Fuckers want to get into my business.

He knows that text sounds really childish, despite the vulgar language, but he needs to vent a bit. He can't stand the people at school, but this is one of the best schools in Japan. He's gotta deal with it.

From Deku

That's nothing to be angry about. They just want to get to know you better. If you opened up more, then they would know how amazing you are like I do. XOXO

He blushed at her text hugs and kisses.

To Deku

Fine, I'll fucking try. Btw, you're texting in class? Naughty girl. ;)

He can already imagine her tomato red face.

From Deku


Yep, she's scarlet. Bakugou smirked at his success of getting his girlfriend to blush even through texting. He slipped his phone into his pocket and walked out of the bathroom when the bell rung to signal the changing of subjects.

During lunch, he sat with Kirishima and Kaminari. He kept glancing at his phone, waiting for a text from Deku that won't come.

"That girl yesterday was your girlfriend right?" Kirishima teased.

Bakugou had to resist the urge to kill his friend. Everyone acts like him having a girlfriend is such a big deal. He's handsome! He can get any girl he wants!

"Yeah, she is." He replied in an annoyed tone.

Kaminari grinned. "She's really cute. When did you two meet?"

Bakugou sighed. Here come more questions. "Our parents were good friends so when we were born, we would always play with each other."

Kirishima smiled. "That's a pretty long time."

"Probably the only way you would know a girl like that." Kaminari smirked.

Bakugou glared at the blonde. "Shut the fuck up. You're so fucking lucky I told you shit about her."

Kaminari and Kirishima grinned at Bakugou. They continued 20 Questions, more like 100, all during lunch until they had to get back to class.

After the boring lessons were done, Bakugou had to suffer in after school detention.

"Fuck Aizawa-sensei. Fuck those assholes in my class. Fuck-"


That was one person he was very happy to see.

"I hope you're not still angry at your classmates." Izuku asked, worried she might, once again, be the victim of his anger.

He sighed, frustrated at life, and laid his head on her shoulder. Izuku tensed up and started blushing at the close contact.

"A-are you not feeling well? D-do you feel hot?" She nervously shuttered.

He only responded by wrapping his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to his chest and sharing his warmth with her. Her blush started to become warmer then before. Her arms hung limp at her sides. She became incredibly nervous and the frequent thumps of her heart beating loudly against her chest wasn't helping.

He then suddenly cupped her cheek and brought his lips down onto hers. Her heartbeat sped up and her mind turned blank. She couldn't fight him and slowly melted into the kiss.

That's when he started getting braver with his actions.

He brought his free hand lower and groped her. She yelped in his mouth but got a tongue invading hers. She squeezed her eyes shut and started pushing his tongue out, resulting in a French kiss. She soon let him dominate her mouth and let him explore everywhere.

The couple started to run out of air and had to part for the needed oxygen. She then smacked his hand away from her skirt.

"What the fuck?!"

"I can't believe you! We're in front of your school and did it right in front of the security cameras!" She yelled angrily, blushing from anger and embarrassment.

He smirked and leaned his mouth close to her ear "You didn't even resist, Izuku." He whispered in her ear, lightly blowing into it.

She squeaked in reply and moved away from his hot breath, hiding her face on the other side of his neck.

He quickly pecked a kiss on her forehead and started running towards the direction of their home. He evilly grinned and yelled, "RACE YOU HOME, DEKU! OH YEAH! YOUR UNDERWEAR'S PINK!"

He proceeded to run for his life, his heart lighter then a feather.

She stood there stunned for a moment before her face exploded into scarlet red.


 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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