Jealous Deku

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Deku was once again outside Yuuei Academy's gates. The student council cancelled their meeting so now she can wait outside for Katsuki's classes to end. They probably cancelled their meeting because of the incident yesterday. Izuku had to profusely apologize in order to not get kicked out the student council.

The student reported Katsuki to the school board and said he attacked him, which her boyfriend did not. They both had no evidence to support their case and the student had no injuries to prove he did get beat up so they both got off lightly.

Deku also had to get the student council to not attack the student who tried to flirt with her. They are very protective of her and her innocence. There would be chaos if she was not there and let them go loose.

The student council also was about to abuse their power of authority to hurt another student! Deku couldn't stand by and watch that. It would not feel right to her.

"Bakugou! We did amazing today! We really beat Class B."

A girl cheered to the blonde.

Deku whipped her head towards the voice who mentioned her boyfriend.

She saw her boyfriend in the middle of some friends from 1-A. She recognized the redhead with spiky hair and the blonde with the black stripe. She didn't recognize the black haired boy next to Katsuki or the pinkette with tan skin next to the stranger.

"We only fucking beat them because of my badass skills."

Katsuki bragged at the tan girl.

Everyone, even Deku, rolled their eyes at this.

"We almost won! It was a great game!"

Kirishima complimented.

"We won because of my awesome skills!"

The girl argued.

"Hell no!"

He laughed at her exaggerated reasoning, as if it was a joke.

The group joined in while the pinkhead pouted at them. The redhead boy, Deku remembers as Kirishima, swung his arm around Katsuki.

Deku frowned. Her boyfriend was actually laughing at his classmate's comment. Last night he was complaining and ranting about how annoying they were. She knew that on the inside he actually does like his classmates and has fun with them. She knew but seeing him talk to a female classmate is a different story. He has not mentioned of being interested in any of them. Well, he would not even dare to mention other girls in front of Izuku. No need to make Izuku more paranoid then she already is.

Once the group got close to the gates, Katsuki finally looked away from his friends to see Izuku standing there, slightly frowning at him.

"What the fuck, Deku? I thought you were still at your fucking school?"

Katsuki asked, surprised at her appearance at his school.

She frowned more at this and answered gloomily, "I wanted to go home with you."

Katsuki knew something was off with her. He will figure it out and not in front of these losers.

"I'm gonna fucking leave. Can't stand being around fucking nobodies like you shitheads."

He loudly announced as he grabbed Deku's hand and started briskly walking away from his school.

His friends looked confused and skeptical of this but slowly waved goodbye.

Hand in hand, they silently walked home. Their houses is really far from the school but they could catch a bus or the train. Katsuki was just waiting for Deku to go spill whatever she had on her mind. Forcing her to talk would make her more upset.

"Would you ever cheat on me?"

She blurted out.

She hoped the answer would be 'no.'

"What the hell? Why the fuck would I ever do that? I hate those shitty wannabes."

He frowned, squeezing her hand and rubbing circles on her knuckles, soothing her nerves.

She felt a bit assured but was still curious.

"Why were you and that girl close then? You were laughing and having fun."

She pouted.

He glared at her.

"Stop fucking doubting me. I am not going to find another one. You are the only one who fucking deserves to be with an awesome person like me. Those shitty fuckers in my class aren't as fucking amazing as you are."

He blushed harshly as he roughly said all this.

Deku blushed too but smiled at his honesty.

"Is this where I get a ring and you ask me to marry you?"

She teased.

His blush got darker and turned away from her, dragging her to the bus stop while she was giggling at how cute he was.

Thank you everyone for your support on this story! Sorry it took so long to update! I was working on other stories. I have a new story called Truly Villainous. It is also a KatsuDeku story. It is a villainous take on Boku no Hero Academia. It is better than this story in my opinion. 

 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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