Deku in the Closet

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Inside the school two teachers were arguing back and forth on a very controversial topic.

"Every young student is talented in their own way! You should put some funds off to support their efforts!" A tall, buff man suggests as he pumped his fists up to emphasize his point.

The man he's talking to isn't even paying attention and is busy checking the clipboard in his hands, his black hair covering most of his pale face and his huge infinity scarf covering the lower half of his face, hiding the permanent frown he has when his blonde coworker tries to talk with him.

"No. I have already told you that we can't do that." He brushes him off with a harsh glare before going back to checking his notes.

The tall blonde hasn't given up yet.

"We can't waste talent in the basement! They deserve better!"

The tired teacher sighs as he abruptly turns around.

"No, they don't. When people look at our school, they want to see real talent. Putting colors on paper and playing video games isn't going to get far. The principal is a very busy man and I cannot help your lost cause.." With that last statement he walks off, ending that conversation and leaving his colleague frustrated.

The pale man with the large scarf made his way to his office when he noticed a pair of students running towards the bathroom. He instantly recognized them as Eijirou Kirishima and Denki Kaminari. He will have to catch them later during the second period where he will be seeing the both of them at.

He groans at the load of work he will have to do and continues towards his office. He passes by a janitor's closet where a crash and a yelp catches his attention. He opens the closet to reveal another of his students, Katsuki Bakugou and a green haired girl he's currently groping, a flustered, ruffled mess at being caught.

"S-sensei! G-Gooding- I mean good morning to you!" The greenette yelled, trying to salvage some sort of dignity she had left.

"Oi Aizawa-sensei. Don't you see we're busy here." Bakugou glares, still trying to mark up her already bruised up shoulder, (it definitely was not from the accident) and twisting her bra.

Aizawa sighs as he takes out a notepad and writes down his students' names along with his signature.

He blatantly says, "Detention. Today. Don't skip." He slams the door to their faces and finally goes to his office to take a nap.

A loud slap could be heard. "THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING! Stop trying to take off my bra!"

"That's not what you were groaning about a few minutes ago."

Another slap could be heard.

[ very stressed right now , editing this already prewritten page from my old series really relieved some of my stress , helped move the story and was fun to add some small bits , props to anyone who recognizes the new bits ] 

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