Deku at U.A.

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"A star is born when atoms of light elements are squeezed under enough pressure to undergo fusion." 

By Richard Brill

"MOVE OUT THE WAY, YOU STUPID FUCK!" A blonde woman yells, honking her horn and sticking her middle finger to the driver in front of her. She wears a navy blue business suit with black heels.

"Dammit Mom! Chill the fuck out! It's just a bit of shitty traffic." Her male copy sits right next to her, his unruly blonde hair sticking up everywhere and his uniform a sloppy mess. He wears an orange sweater wide open to show his button up untucked and the top buttons loose with no tie. His pants are sagging and bunching up at his black boots.

"Don't you talk back to me, Katsuki! Fix your uniform! It's so sloppy!"






While the screaming match kept going, Izuku was sweating bullets. Her boyfriend and her in-law were not helping the nervousness in her stomach. She hoped she didn't mess up on her first day.

She wore a gray tie and a matching green sweater with a stripe design on it with bright red shoes . She had heard his school was pretty lax with the uniforms, but she didn't want to overstep too much.

She saw only the older kids walking wearing the traditional gray blazer and red tie. A lot of the freshmen wore similar outfits to her and Katsuki. A very colorful bunch.

After Miss Bakugou dropped them off (Katsuki sneering at her and Izuku giving her a tight hug), they were able to go to their class but-

"Deku! Why are you wearing our uniform at our school?" Ochako questioned, completely stunned that Bakugou's infamous girlfriend was at their school.

"What happened to your leg! Do you require assistance to get to class!" Iida offered, extending his arm and ready to assist his new classmate.

Bakugou glared in their direction, but Iida was completely oblivious to it and Ochako chose to ignore it as always.

"Did Bakugou do this to your leg?! I will protect you!" Ochako proclaimed, glaring back at Bakugou.


"Iida, Ochako! Nice to see you two again. Some classmates of mine did this so I decided to transfer here!" She explained, a little nervous under all the attention.

"I welcome you to U.A and will be here to help with anything you need!" Iida bowed.

"Me too! I'll lend you my notes of things you need."

"Thank you, you two. I'm really grateful for this warm welcome."

"Well, well what's Deku doing here?" Everyone turned around to face Kaminari and Kirishima, Bakugou's two best friends.

"Kaachan, you didn't tell me you were bringing your girlfriend over today. I would've prepared something." Kaminari teased, winking in Izuku's direction, making her blush.

"Nice to see you again, Miss Katsuki's Girlfriend. I'm Kirishima Eijirou, Bakubro's best friend since the beginning of high school."

"HAH? When did I ever say that?" Katsuki shouted, annoyed at all the extras gathering around him and his girlfriend.

"It's just an instinct. We were destined to be best friends!" Kirishima declared, blinding everyone with his radiance and happy personality on such a gloomy Monday.

"That's no way to treat us, Kaachan. Who else would want to be your friend anyway?" Kaminari teased, giggling as Katsuki went for a swipe at him.

"Plenty of people want to be my friend!" Katsuki shouted.

Everyone knew he was just lying to himself though.

The bell rang loud and the group decided to split up for the time being, agreeing to meet up for lunch later on to celebrate their new classmate.

Izuku's nerves hadn't settled down at all. She didn't want to go to class yet and didn't know how to react to being in this new school on such short notice.

"Izuku, are you alright? You're way too white." Katsuki asked, concerned about the paleness on her face.

"I- I- I- I do- don't wannagotoclass." She hastily whispered the last part.

"Ok." That was a surprising response to Izuku. Her nagging boyfriend, who has never missed a day of school since he was young, agreed with her.

She felt guilty for dragging him down with her, but she really cannot stand to be alone right now.

"Wanna hide out in the closet?"


[ the plot shall now get rolling , sorry that next chapter will be plot relevant instead of fluff , but i shall make it up to everyone, just been overworked lately , ]

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