Deku's House

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"This is sooooooooo boring!"

Katsuki groaned as he plopped back down on his girlfriend's twin size bed.

Her bedroom is filled with so much nerdy stuff. Coming in her room is like walking through a museum, so many wonders everywhere from every corner to the ceiling. She has items from every fangirl stage she's been in from superheroes to Pokémon to currently anime. Been raving over some anime about brats trying to become superheroes at a superhero school. Pretty stupid in his opinion but the villains and cool fights make up for that lame plot.

Whenever a new episode comes out, she calls him in the middle of the night to fangirl over it and then invite him over to watch it with her. He would go to her house half awake and fall asleep halfway through so she would make him rewatch it in the morning.

He heard the door creak open.

"I brought the snacks. Which did you want again?"

She asked as she held the white tray in front of him.

"Hand me the fucking spiciest."

He demanded as he waved his hands around like a child.

She rolled her eyes but a playful smile was on her face as she threw a bag of chips at his face.

His face lit up momentarily before going back to his usual grumpy face, which she knew was fake because he's always happy to receive spicy food.

"We still have to do homework! You can't keep sleeping on MY bed, munching on MY food."

She scolded and gestured towards the pile of books on the side of the table.

He rolled his eyes at her and kept shoving chips into his mouth, spreading crumbs onto his girlfriend's bed.

"Stop making a mess on my bed and come help me with this problem!"

She ordered as she reopened the book from before she went to get the snacks.

"Why is it always math that you have problems with? You're supposed to be the shitty nerd, not me."

He complained but got up and sat right next to her.

For the next hour they both helped each other with homework. Katsuki excelled in math and science but was horrible at English and history. Izuku is the opposite of him and did well in both English and history.

He could have invited those failing losers in his class but he never would invite them anywhere with him, especially near his girlfriend. Katsuki doesn't need his classmates putting their dirty hands on her.

Izuku probably would have invited them herself if she knew they were failing. She's just kind like that but he heard the rich girl in his class offered to tutor them.

Now that he thought about it, that girl and Izuku would get along well considering how alike they are, but he wouldn't let any of his classmates meet her again.

"Kacchan, thank you so much! You've been so helpful today!"

She complimented as she put her books away.

An idea suddenly popped in his head.

"Then do I get a reward from you?"

He purred into her ear.

Her face flushed brightly at this but he could see he consideration in her eyes.

"I-I guess? What would you even want?"

She questioned.

He smirked at her innocent, little question. He grabbed her hips and launched them both onto her bed, his back against the wall and

"Your body of course."

He swiftly leaned down to kiss her before she could verbally respond.

She submitted to his request and wholly gave him what always was his. She ran her fingers up from his abs to his muscular chest, scrunching up his tank top there. His tank top was very thin and showed everything but covered too much.

She could feel his hands wandering down from her hips but was too into the moment to care. Too bad she chose a skirt that day and his hands were under it, pulling down her underwear.

A rush of realization suddenly hit her and she stopped kissing him.

"What time is it?"

She asked Kacchan.

He gave her a harsh glare but looked at the clock in her room.

"It's fucking 18:00. Why the hell do you want to know-"

They heard a distant door open and keys jingling.

"Izuku! I'm home! Are you and Katsuki-kun hungry?"

They bolted right up from the bed. Izuku pulled back up her panties while Katsuki straightened out his shirt.

"What the hell am I supposed to do about this?!"

He angrily whispered.

"Just hide it with my blanket!"

She whispered back as she straighten her tank top too.

They opened the books again and sat on the floor, Kacchan covering his lower half with her All Might blanket.

Deku's door creaked open as her mom came into the room.

"Izuku? Katsuki? You two didn't answer when I called? Are you okay?"

She asked worriedly.

"Sorry mom. We had our headphones in. Studying for the big midterms!"

She nervously lied as she dramatically waved her phone around.

Katsuki rolled his eyes at her horrible lying and smoothly said,

"Sorry that we didn't hear you, Auntie. Do you need help with dinner?"

"Oh no! You two go back to studying! I will even invite your parents over."

She suggested as she closed the door.

They flop down in relief. Izuku closes the book and lays down on the ground.

"We're never doing this again. My mom will kill us if she found out what we did."

She groans as she hides her blushing face into her arms.

"Your mom totally just cockblocked us."

He stated with an angry glare at the door.

"KACCHAN! Don't say it like that!"

Her face reddens more at his blunt saying at her mom.

"Izuku-chan! Katsuki-kun's parents are here! Come greet them!"

"Damn, the other cockblocks are here too."


 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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