Taking Care of Deku

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[ all of these are gonna be one and dones , i usually never check my work , and now i wanna get these out as quickly as possible , sorry for the quality downgrade . . ]

"I'm boooored!"

"That's what happens when you get into the hospital, shitty Deku." Katsuki grumbled as he cut apples their parents left for them. 

He handed her a fork and she automatically took it to eat the apples off the plate. They were shaped into bunnies, Izuku's favorite animals.

"I don't remember you being able to cut apples like this." She mentioned, her mouth full of apples.

"I usually don't have to cut apples for fucking sick people."

"Treat me nicer! I'm the one in the hospital bed." She popped another apple bunny into her mouth.

"No, because you did the most reckless thing ever."

"I'm sorry Kacchan." Deku stopped munching on the apples and started to tear up remembering how she could've died.

"It happened and now we have to move past it. Here, eat these." He handed her another plate of apples and it was now shaped into a swan.

"I really didn't want you to get hurt. I thought all those boys at school wouldn't hold a grudge that I had caught them skipping."

"It's their own fucking fault for getting caught. Fuck them for attacking an innocent council member."

"You're right, but I wish I had done things differently.."

"Thinking about it over and over again won't change the past. I don't like the thought of you getting hurt and I wish also that I had just fucking knocked them out when I had the chance." 

Katsuki was starting to get emotional as Izuku was. Damn feelings for messing with him.

"Kacchan.. I'm sorry for getting here and thank you for looking out for me."


Izuku opened her arms to him and he reluctantly wrapped his own arms around her. She still had the awful hospital smell to her, but her hair was still pretty soft.

"I really do like you, Kacchan."

"That came outta nowhere."

"Just kinda felt like saying it."

He blushed at her just blurting out her feelings. Dammit, he should be used to this by now, but they've been so busy with school.

"Thanks.. Do you want more apples?"

"Yes please!"

He sat back down to peel some more and noticed her eying him, gears turning in her head.


"Feed me an apple. I'm tired."

"HAH?" His face became redder at that demand.

He hesitantly grabbed her fork and stabbed an apple rabbit. With slightly shaky hands that he would deny later, he brought the apple to her mouth. 

She giggled at how nervous he was and took a bite of the apple. Today was less boring than how it started.

[ got about 5 projects , including this, lined up , sorry that its bad, dont stay up late like me and actually touch grass , ]

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