Deku in the Mall

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Be the one who starts the conversation not end the conversation.

Also announcements are in the end so feel free to skip those if you want.

Todoroki Shouto was really bored. He loved his girlfriend and all but a day in the mall isn't what he planned for today. He watched as his girlfriend Yaoyorozu Momo went rack to rack trying to find clothes but she had a whole closet of clothes. Shouto never understood why she wanted to shop when she had perfectly good clothes in her closet or for his every opinion on each outfit she chooses. He asked her once and she brushed it off as something every woman should do. That confuses him more then answers his question.

"Are you going to be okay here by yourself for a bit? I need to go to the bathroom."

Shouto asked before standing up.

She hummed to him.

"Of course, Shouto! Please don't be long, I'm getting thirsty from all the walking."

Then she went back to viewing all her options.

He nodded to her even though she wasn't looking his way anymore and walked in the direction of the bathroom. Midway through he stopped. In the window was a charm bracelet that a lot of the girls been fussing over. It was a simple one decorated with hearts and kanji to spell out a name.

Her birthday was coming up and he had no clue what to do for it until now. He knows she will like anything he gives. She keeps, even treasures, all the gifts he has given over the years. He doesn't give gifts often but when he does, it's for a special occasion. Usually he gives them on Christmas and her birthday only. They were dating for two years now and it's been the best.

Todoroki was about to walk inside when he noticed a pretty cozy couple inside the shop.

Ah, it was his loud, annoying classmate and the talk of the class, the newest couple everyone recently discovered and been eating up.

Of course out of school, they are dressed very casually. He wears ripped jeans and some type of anime tee that his girlfriend probably forced him to wear while she wears the same shirt and joggers a few sizes too big for her stature.

He looks bored out of mind looking at the jewelry while her eyes sparkle like the ones in the case, looking at all of them. Her arms gripping his bicep which looks very painful and he notices it's paler then his other but the boyfriend doesn't seem to mind at all. The blond turns his head slightly and unfortunately catches Shouto's eye. The sneer sent his way isn't very welcoming. The girl notices his tension and turns around to see where he's looking at.

Ah crap. She spotted him. She's waving at him and dragging the dead weight of her soulmate over to him.

"You must be Todoroki-san! Kacchan talks all about you! I'm Midoriya Izuku!"

She rambles on after that, similar to a yapping dog.

It takes him a full minute to realize that he has to respond like a normal person.

"Nice to meet you Midoriya-san. Doing well today?"

He asks.

Bakugou glares at him and is clearly trying to telepathically message him that he made a grave mistake.

"We're doing well! Kacchan decided we needed some fresh air so we headed to this mall. It's such a lovely day! What are you doing here?"

He immediately regrets continuing this conversation. He now wants this conversation to end and go back to his own girlfriend's indecisive shopping.

"I am looking for a present for Yaoyorozu's birthday coming up."

He reluctantly gives up.

"Really?! That's so adorable, right Kacchan?"

The blond just nods along, obviously zoning them out for the sake of his sanity.

"What present do you want to get her?"

"I was thinking of a charm bracelet. That's something girls think are appropriate correct?"

But this girl has some kind of charm to her that makes him keep continuing this conversation.

"Actually it is! Lots of people at my school are showing off those bracelets! I'm sure Yaoyorozu-san will appreciate!"

"That's very helpful. Thank you. Midoriya-san."

"You're welcome! Don't be afraid to ask us!"

Bakugou too? Yeah, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

"Actually now that I think about it, did you come here with someone? I don't see anyone with you right now."

"Yes, I am. I'm with Yaoyorozu today and I think she's looking for me so I must be leaving."

He tries to escape and it succeeds. Bakugou's face converts to one of relief.

"Really? I wish we talked more so I can hear about Yuuei but I hope we see each other again!"

Note to Future Self: Do Not Go To This Mall Again.

People keep asking me to update this story but it was never my favorite? Crazy right? This one is not interesting to me personally unlike Truly Villainous or Stars Align. I think I might stop writing altogether but I'm willing to try something different altogether.

You guys are the biggest part of this story and I think you need to be appreciated more. I'm sorry for neglecting you and this story for so long. You make this story happen because of your support.

If you guys still want this story to continue, go to tumblr or instagram and find a fanfiction writing prompt like "imagine your otp going to the mall and getting jealous" or "person a fights person b over a soda." Try to give me the creator of the original so I can credit them.

Here are a few questions for you:

Would you guys like to interact with me a different way like twitter or Instagram? On twitter I'm willing to let you guys vote for the writing prompts you suggest and try to keep you all updated. On Instagram I'm willing to live-stream me making this story or a different one and you get to see the whole production process along with being able to hear me or ask me questions.

Do you want to see something else entirely? I love the movie "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" and it's a pretty well known movie now. I think an AU of that movie would be great as a side project but would you guys like something different? You guys can vote for:

-My OCs (I will do something very special if you pick this one)

-Fuller House: Jackson and Ramona



Here are your choices so choose wisely.

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