Part 14

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You wake up on the weekend, after working at home for another week. You just never responded to the dm from what you still believe is a fake Chris Evans account again. You did show Jill who still believes it's real and your the biggest idiot in the fucking world. You told her there is nothing special about me, the guy has no reason to reach out to me. You haven't looked at Instagram much this week, you have just been working as much as you can and face timing your sisters and parents. Your missing your family, you looked on Facebook and again Eric had reached out to you, he said you can't do any better than him, to take him back. Secretly as much as Eric hurt you, you start believing him, and tell him with lockdown your not leaving New York. You do agree to just text to him, cause you don't like anyone and maybe you should give him another chance. You stupidly make a tweet about thinking about giving the ex who left you and broke you another chance. Your friends on twitter say it's your choice but you deserve better. You just don't believe it anymore, and more feel the lockdown getting to you mentally. You just lying in bed and not wanting to get up out of bed. Eric texted you good morning, you said good morning back. Your just keeping him a distance for now unsure if your making the right choice, about giving him a second chance. You got up and went into the shower and got ready for the day. Just putting on black sweats and a blue tank top. You head into the living room and turn on the tv, you finally watch another episode of Defending Jacob, your loving the show. You still think Jacob didn't do it. Jill comes in sits down on the couch watching with you.

"Hey, are you watching your Ig mystery boyfriend right now." She laughs

"Omg, you whore, no stop that wasn't even real. Myself and millions of other woman wish the same thing." you laugh back.

You both don't talk much, paying too much attention to the TV show. Once the show is over Jill goes to shower and get ready. You guys know there is lockdown rules, but there is no law against going for a drive in Jill's car. You guys do this just to get out of the apartment, just something different to do. You mentally need it for both of you. Your sitting on the couch looking over your phone and on IG you notice at new dm. Again it's from Chris Evans that verified check mark is there, you just roll your eyes. You just open and look at the message just to see how far this fakers would go.

"Hey, y/n hope your ok. Never heard back from you. I don't know if I upset you. Just like I said you can talk anytime with me." You look at the message and finally break with Eric's words in your head, your believing he is the best you could ever do. Yes you have a crush on Chris but you know you have no chance in hell. So you figure time to mess with this fake account so he will back off once and for all.

"Hi, how are you Chris. Just been working a lot this week for my boss. Look I didn't respond for a good reason. I don't mean to piss you or anyone off but I get messages daily from fake scamming accounts. Not sure if this is real but highly doubt it's real. The guy has more in his life to do than ever message me. Stay safe."

You figure that should do it and calling the fake account out would be enough. You phone makes a sound of another notification. "Hold up y/n you work for my lawyer Matt. I remember you from the meetings before lockdown. Please don't respond to the fake accounts, just know I would never do what they do pretending to be me and ask anyone for money. Those assholes are garbage. Just reminding you this is me, this is my verified account. I'm sorry this happens to you. I understand if you don't want to talk as a result, the negative side of social media is what makes me kind of sad about it all."

You just stare at the dm, it's not like the odd account you'd call out claiming to be him. You kind of feel bad but bit anyways. "Ok I'm sorry I made you feel bad. Just a lot mentally getting to me. I went through something in the last year that makes me doubt everything especially myself. I have to ask why do you want to message me at all?"

You just look at the phone, minutes go by and you think maybe it is real. Now your thinking you dumbass that guy doesn't need to hear about your past and drama, pathetic life. You just eventually put down the phone, to go get some tea in the kitchen. You hear your phone go off again. You go look at it "Sorry your past year has been rough, if you need to talk about it, I'm good at listening. I messaged you cause you where easy to talk to at Matt's office. I don't know you just caught my attention."

You look thinking I caught his attention what the hell. Why me there is nothing special about me at all. Eric proved that to you a long time ago and now your thinking that's the best you can do. You type "Look that's nice Chris but I am nobody, even my ex fiance told me that, he treated me bad and left me at the altar. He said it was mistake and wants me to give him another chance. I just started texted him other day cause he asked that of me. He is right nothing special about me, so might as well give him a chance. Sorry you don't need to hear my life crap and drama. I'm sure you got things of your own to deal with."

You don't even get the chance to put your phone down, you see that he is typing. "Y/n first off, everyone is special in their own unique way. You are more special than you know. Your ex fiance is a idiot, he's only saying those things cause no girl wants him. Please don't settle or give him another chance. He doesn't deserve you, I think the lockdown and everything is upsetting you, if I am wrong ok. Let me ask you do you still love your ex?"

You just look at Chris's message thinking and it the first time, you realized no you don't love Eric at all. "Chris thank you for your kind words. It really is sweet of you. No I don't love him anymore actually, never thought about it just when someone keeps saying things to your over and over your start to believe it."

He message back "Ok if you don't love that guy don't give him another chance at all. If you do your just settling, no one should ever settle cause they don't think they are good enough for someone else. You never know someone could like you and you would't believe it. Sometime in life it's worth taking a chance right. Look y/n I have to go for now going to have fun with my brother Scott, but we can talk anytime if you want to no pressure. Please stay safe. If you get anymore fake accounts let me know I have an idea."

"Ok thank you bye Chris. Have fun with your brother, hope you, your friends and family all stay safe for now. Ok any fake accounts I'll let you know another time. Bye for now."

You close out the app, you and Jill grab some snacks and drinks. You guys head to her car. You mentally feeling a little stronger even if it's not real Chris's words did help you a little. You don't want to settle and do deserve better then Eric. You just ignore Eric the rest of the day. You guys go out the Long Island for the drive you had found a hiking spot that would be safe in lockdown. Just to get outside for some air, you guys come across this guy selling puppies out of box. The shepherd/lab cross are really cute and about a year old. He just can't afford them anymore and wants them to get good homes. You always grew up with dogs, so did Jill and you where allowed dog in your building, so you guys pick out the brindle looking female. She has the cutest face and you joke saying she has radar ear pointing to the sky. You and Jill can't pick a name so you both agree let twitter pick lol. When is night time and you guys got home, your dog has the name black widow but you guys agree to call her Widow for short. You take to Instagram posting pictures from your hike. You even post went out the Island for a hike with roommate and came back with this girl Widow posting a picture of your dog. Widow takes to you instantly and even jumps on your bed for sleep which you love. Your dog used to sleep in your room growing up at as a kid. You are about to go to bed you get a dm again Chris Evans "cute dog, have a good night." Your just looking at your phone in shock. Wondering how did Chris know you had a cute dog in your pictures. You only just loaded them to your account. There's no way he would have seen them, unless he wasn't paying attention to your account. The shock is making you exhausted and you mind over think why. Thinking you know he loves dogs. His own dog Dodger had the face of a teddy bear. You sit there wondering what to put back, finally typing "TY Chris, btw your dog Dodger is adorable. Goodnight."
You turn your phone off and go to sleep.

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