A Reverential Summons

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A/N #1: I'm sorry this is taking me ages to update. I've been typing this chapter every few weeks in between two jobs for months(I feel like a negligent fanfiction author). Working both jobs has been the only way I've been able to make ends meet while also saving for a big move I plan to make next year in June. I will quit one of my jobs in January thankfully, so I should have a little more time for all of my personal projects, as I still have the passion to write several developed shadamy stories. I only wished I had made more time for these things when I was still in high school and had minimal responsibilities. T_T

Sooo, the romance was supposed to be tagged at the other end of this chapter, hence the lead up, but it was going to be way too long for one sitting. Hence, the chapter had to be split in half, as I am no good with shortening things, as you can tell. So here's the next installment so at least you have something to read. Look forward to the other half of this chapter next week. It still needs some final additions and edits, but it contains the romance I know some of ya'll have been waiting for.

A/N #2: For reference, check out this art my sister drew for this part in the story. It features our main characters in royal dress for this chapter:
- The girls: https://www.deviantart.com/oxamaidreamingxo/art/Princess-Amelia-Rose-and-Co-887834182?ga_submit_new=10%3A1628124329
- The guys: https://www.deviantart.com/oxamaidreamingxo/art/Sonic-Boys-Ball-887837602

If you're looking for more art in her style, follow our shared Deviantart account where we are creating a comic based on Sonic Team's NiGHTS. My sister and I are still refining the complete first chapter for this comic, and we have made a deal to also put her art for my future stories in a folder on the same account. The account is the same one you go to when you click on the links above, but I'll also link our account homepage below.

Deviantart account: https://www.deviantart.com/oxamaidreamingxo

If you like video game art, follow her on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/dynamica.x/ . This is where she posts her personal practice.


Chapter 12: A Reverential Summons

Evening descended on the Aumorian fortress with haste as small carriages and soldiers milled about the entrance. Distinguished nobility from right outside the northern and southern Aumorian borders pooled around the fortress entrance, each noble pair greeted by a guardian of the Order of the White Rose. With the swirl of fabric dragging along the cobblestone to the elegant foyer and the click of decorum flouncing off the tower walls, the festivities began.

Enclosed in the walls of her room, Amy peered through the glass of her balcony doors, wanting nothing but to open them and escape, though it was much too late for that. Mulberry rays of dappled sunlight lingered in the deepening Aumorian sky and Amy's jade orbs lingered on the tops of the trees, the pinkette refusing to blink as the dimming light immortalized them. She heard her brother's call as he finished preparations behind her. With a light sigh, she twisted around to spot the prince waiting by her bedside, admiring a dainty fabric between his thumb and forefinger.

"I never realized just how grand Mother's dresses from her youth were. I guess Aumorian magics never fail in preserving such fabrics."

As Amy came to his side, she did a double take as she finally caught a glimpse of Argentine's choice in dress for her this evening. Fanned out across her freshly pressed sheets, the outer layer of the dress shimmered above a cream-to-alabaster gradient underneath. The v-neck ball gown was etched with rose-colored floral intricacies and sleeves that Amy guessed were supposed to fall over her shoulders. Blinking from her stupor, she did a once over the dress as her brother's statement resonated in her mind.

"You... picked this from mother's wardrobe... for me?"

"Yes! I thought that this might be something you'd like. I tried to take notes from the few outfits I've seen you in the past few days and mixed those styles with your clothing tastes from your early childhood on Aumoris. So, what do you think? Too much?"

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