When the Dawn Brings No Sunrise

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I hope that this chapter is somewhat of a payoff for all of you lovely readers

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I hope that this chapter is somewhat of a payoff for all of you lovely readers. I know I have been gone for a long time, and really I won't be updating too often until the turn of the year, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I still exist. I still want to write my stories, it's just taking a while to get to a financially stable place in order to do what I love without worry. The economy certainly isn't helping me, but I refuse to give up on the things I want to accomplish outside of handling my regular adult responsibilities. I will become a full-time writer one day, that goal may just be a little further than I thought.

I don't know if you can tell, but, at this point, I'm ready to write something a little different in the Shadamy realm. And after rereading this story to get back into it, I've come to realize there are many things I would change and revise if I were to edit this story in the future. Let's just say my writing style has changed in the past few years, and that will reflect in the next stories I write. Please enjoy what steam I have left for this story and look forward to the start of another by the end of the year.

For now, onward!

Chapter 14: When the Dawn Brings No Sunrise

The scent of a snuffed flame brought Amy out of her sleep, concerning her as she tried to groggily address her surroundings. She found herself tangling her body further into her bedding, smothering her quills into further disarray in an attempt to return to the pleasant dream on the edge of her memory. Unfortunately, her body ached with the desire to move. The sun hadn't surfaced quite yet, but the faint traces of light from the dying embers flickering around her room were enough to illuminate the edges of her furniture. Sighing dejectedly as she shifted in the rumpled sheets, Amy furrowed her brow as her arm bumped what she thought was a pillow.

Mm, this pillow is so soft. I wonder if it's imported... wait.

She blinked the fog from her eyes to catch the silhouette of the slumbering ebony hedgehog, resting on his back as he angled toward her body as if to shield her from whatever dare come through her windows. With one arm under a pearl-colored pillow, the other at his side as his hand cupped his chest, Shadow slept peacefully as the blankets draped aimlessly across his lower half. Amy watched the ebony hum pleasantly, the events of the previous night flooding her mind, as did a blush to her cheeks.

"Shadow... Shadow and I ..."

As she sat up, the image of Shadow's flushed face surfaced, as did the image of the dark hedgehog situated above her as he mumbled sweet nothings into her ears, caressing her softly as he planted delicate kisses anywhere she would let him. He'd been gentle, yet eager to express his affections for her, as if he'd been waiting to do so for a millennia. Amy remembered feeling as though she would burst from his ministrations, but also distinctly remembered the moment she became overwhelmed with heat, and Shadow had backed away from her respectfully, kissing her forehead and telling her goodnight.

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