Too Lost to Be Saved

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This took longer than I thought to edit. To the person I said I would have this out sooner, I sincerely apologize. I am posting this Tuesday morning before work after pulling an all-nighter Saturday night, going into Sunday morning and finishing just before my shift at my second job haha. Seriously, don't feel bad for me. It was worth it! After the all-nighter and my painful Sunday shift, I went home and rested, went to work Monday and reread this whole chapter a few hours ago and now I'm ready to upload! To the reader, Shadamy_18 on Wattpad, thank you for reaching out to me about this chapter. It lit a necessary fire under me to make the time needed to complete this monster of a chapter.

Sooo… this final chapter was inspired by Evanescence's Tourniquet, particularly the part where Amy goes out to face Riven herself. I could not come up with an appealing name for this chapter that wasn't too on the nose for the events closing this story, so I took a line from the song and made it work. I apologize if it feels out of place. Originally this was supposed to be the last half of the previous chapter, but it was already reaching 15k words when I realized that's too many words for one chapter. So, I split it up. This chapter is a thick boi on its own, so take breaks!

Anyhoo, onward!

Note: Regular italicized text = thoughts in characters head
Italicized and bold text = speaking through communicator

We have colored art for all of the characters now! There is officially too much art that match up with these last few chapters, so I'm just going to link the folder where you can find them here:

Chapter 16: Too Lost to Be Saved

"Please, take him to the medical wing."

Sally handed off the fifth injured Aumorian to a medical volunteer. Chaos still erupted around them as they took on the lingering bit of Riven's forces that speckled the brush. The soldier's dwindled and Sally opted to keep her forces back and surround Riven's forces from behind. With Riven's men blocked on all sides, they'd be able to snuff them out with chaos energy. She led them as they continued their assault among the trees long after Rouge had taken off to help Knuckles and the rest.

Yet as the battle deepened and new developments emerged, Sally found herself straining to see the light at the end of the tunnel for them, even as her forces succeeded in sending Riven's men toward the main battlefield.

"Thank you, Princess Sally. Are there any more victims?" the volunteer asked, huddling behind a tree with the princess as their forces clashed with Riven's men on the other side of their shelter.

Sally shook her head, but glanced back at where she came from, a trail of blood awaiting her quivering eyes. Her lips tightened as she decided to do exactly what the bat told her not to do. She had no choice but to engage.

"No, but if I see anyone else, I'll bring them back here. Don't leave your post. I think I may have just determined Prince Riven's position," Sally explained.

The volunteer gave Sally a concerned look, but nodded, muttering a prayer to the princess before dragging her injured partner to the medical courier that waited for more injured. Sally spared a final glance at her troops before swiftly following the blood trail deep into the woods.

Five Aumorians fatally wounded. It took Sally finding five wounded allies on her trek through the woods to realize something other than Riven's forces were taking them out one by one. As Sally had ordered her troops to tighten up their formation, a small cat had alerted her that her partner was missing. Another volunteer confessed that she hadn't seen her own partner in a while as well and this led Sally to leave them and find the missing Aumorians herself as they battled without her. One by one, she found them unresponsive and realized only now that all five created a fairly linear trail in the brush.

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