Never Say Goodbye Again

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A/N I hated everything I originally wrote and completely redid this chapter. Excuses aside, it's finally out and there are only two more chapters planned for this story! In the last chapter, I will announce my final plans for the next story to come. Right now, I am still deciding between going straight into the prequel (which makes the most sense to me), taking a break from this series to write a zombie shadamy story (a rated M story I've been dying to write more than anything), and a Sonic Riders shadamy story (a story I want to write to simply get it in writing before I forget all of the juicy details I came up with/but not as pressed to write because the others feel more important). If I am undecided at that point, I will try a poll on my account to get your opinions.

I hope you enjoy ^ -^

Chapter 13: Never Say Goodbye Again

"Alright, that's the spirit, red one! Don't let up! Show him the strength that gave you the mark of the Robust!"

The veins of Knuckles neck bulged as he arm wrestled a brawny knight. Flourishing a grin, his eyes glittered at his struggling opponent.

"Don't you think it's time to give in, buddy? If you keep this up, you might not be able to do your afternoon rounds tomorrow," Knuckles chided with a smirk.

"I... c-cannot give in here. Even if it is f-f-fruitless, I dishonor my family name and lay down my d-dignity as a knight if I s-simply let go," the knight struggled breathlessly, gaining a bit on Knuckles.

"You're really giving it your all, huh? Guess I should take this a bit more seriously then."

And with that, Knuckles used all of his strength, tightened his grip on his foe, and smashed the knight's hand to the table before them, earning shouts of victory from the knights surrounding them, mugs clashing as alcohol spilled over.

As the defeated knight stood, his face covered in shame, Knuckles held out his hand with a chuckle. The knight simply gave him a look of question.

"You put up a good fight! Thanks for the competition. I enjoyed the challenge."

The knight warmed at his sportsmanship, shaking his hand, before letting someone else sit in the chair in front of the red echidna. As another eager competitor clamored into the spot, buzzed and egged on by the others around him, Sonic squeezed through the rowdy onlookers, carrying two large mugs filled to the brim. He handed one to Knuckles as he nudged him, his flushed cheeks indicating his buzz.

"Thought you could use some more fuel, buddy," Sonic laughed as they clashed mugs, the two taking gulps of their beverages.

"Ah, thanks, Sonic. This is exactly what I needed to keep it rolling," Knuckles thanked before turning to the next poor sap who dared to challenge him.

Crackling his knuckles, he placed his elbow on the table as the shouts energized him.

As Sonic watched and cheered on his friend with a smirk, he looked behind himself and waved to Sally, sitting with the others in a calmer corner of the knight's quarters.

Sally returned his wave before the blue blur turned to the match before him. Sally chuckled to herself at his behavior as she leaned against the wall next to the make-shift table where Rouge perched, Cream next to her and Tails just across from the two as they discussed the situation between Shadow and Amy.

"So, she ran away from him? Why?" Rouge questioned, a bit distraught.

Tails shook his head, cupping his drink in thought. He twisted his namesakes behind him, curving into himself as he thought critically about the details he remembered.

"I'm not sure. When we led them to that balcony, they seemed to be in good spirits. We weren't able to hear much of their conversation once we left them alone," Tails amended.

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