Of Invited and...

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The ebony awoke to a peculiar smell penetrating the openings of his nostrils, mouthwatering and suffocating all the same. He cracked an eye open, taking a glimpse at the ceiling. With a slow, cautious movement he sat up, looking over the sheets he was tangled in. With his ruby orbs he examined the binding of his wounds from his arms to his stomach. What was going on here?

It was then that his keen hearing picked up the humming of a vibrant voice, echoing gracefully off the walls of the house. That's when he remembered his whereabouts and current situation.

"That's right. Rose let me in last night. I promised that I would stay," he muttered aloud.
With an obvious strain, the ebony found the strength to arise from the tempting bed sheets, escaping the warmth that had incased him so. He stretched, feeling the renewing of his wounds and muscles, as everything on his body seemed to fall back in place. He was the ultimate life form, after all. He healed faster than any normal Mobian could ever fathom.

After a relaxing sigh, the ebony made his way to the bathroom, looking through the towel closet until he found a new toothbrush, still packaged, and toothpaste. He took his time brushing his teeth, afterward finding the deodorant that matched the scent of the bathing soap he'd used the night before, applying it. He splashed water on his face and fixed his bed head to perfection, taking the time to gently remove his bandages, disposing of them. With a swift make of the guest room bed, the ebony walked down the flight of stairs.

When he reached the first floor, he heard a song from another's mouth, seeming to resonate off the crevices of the house with crystal clarity, bringing everything to life. It was a melodic voice, hers that sung a cute song he did not recognize, but found that the main piece of the song was the odd word "dango."

The ebony took a couple of steps until he came upon the opening into the kitchen to his right. The sight that beheld him was cute enough to make him smirk and lean sideways on the wall of the kitchen opening, shoulder squished into the wall, leg crossed comfortably over the other, watching her.

The rose, still in her short, thin nightgown, had her back to the ebony where she cooked something...delectable over the stove. Her bed head was adorable and her voice made the picture seem even more pleasurable as she switched to another song in a language the ebony did not recognize. It was a song in a sullen tone, but delicate just the same and gave the kitchen an ancient and sullen feel.

At the end of the song, the rose stopped and sighed, flipping the breakfast in the pan, regaining her chirper mood by verbally complimenting the aesthetic nature of their breakfast. That's when the ebony decided to intervene.

"It is a rather bright morning, don't you think?"

The deep, sultry sound of the ebony's words slightly startled the rose as she jumped a little and then slowly turned her head to see the ebony position at the start of the kitchen. She blinked at his seemingly... sexy pose, blushing the slightest bit only to smile at his entrance. She turned back to her cooking, finishing with the first pan and moving on to the pan next to it, turning off the no longer needed stove eye.

"I-it is. The sun's come out which is a great start to a good day." She said it in a hushed tone as if there were a baby sleeping nearby.

The rose finished cooking what was left on the last pan, taking the wet rag from the oven handle to wipe down the dirty counter. She spoke as she cleaned with a beaming smile on her face. She had company around for the first time in forever (damn it, Frozen....) and she was excited to say the least. To have another person to enjoy private time with.

"So, do you like blueberries or strawberries on your pancakes?" the rose questioned, opening the oven to check on her baking.

"Ummm.... blueberries?"

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