The Red Hues of Rescue

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As the echidna examined the land below him, he straightened, plotting their next move.

"Don't be too hasty, Knuckles."

The echidna scoffed.

"Says the blues rat that rushes into battle at the speed of light."

Sonic popped his neck, stretching his legs as he stood next to the echidna.

"Speed of sound, buddy."


"Sonic! Knuckles! Come quickly! It's Cream," Sally called from the entrance of the ship.

The two looked to each other and then rushed back into the ship to see Tails, Shadow and Sally hunched over something at the center console. As they neared the group, a familiar voice emanated from the communication device before them.

"Tails! Oh, thank chaos, you're alive!"

Sonic sighed happily as the rabbit's sobs were heard over the device. Knuckles walked to stand next to the ebony. They heard one voice, now they needed to hear two others before they could even come close to feeling relieved.

"Cream, where are you right now? Where's Amy and Rouge?"

"Rouge is right next to me! Amy is... well, it's a long story..."


Her mind was spinning, plotting ways to save her friends and then come back to release her parents from their eternal slumber. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought she actually wanted to stay here on this planet and among the people of Aumoris. Maybe she wanted to be their lost princess.

She shook her head, as she continued the trek back to the fortress. There was no way she could stay, but maybe, after she released her family, she could convince them to send her to Mobius using their powers...

"Who am I kidding? Who in their right mind would send their daughter away again after just getting her back? They would never allow it," Amy muttered to herself.

"Amelia? Are you alright?"

Argentine walked beside her. She let a fake smile of reassurance crawl across her muzzle.

"I was just thinking... you know, this place looks too... old to have the kind of technology found on the prince's ship. Why is that?" This was an honest questioned she'd had and used it to cover her insecurities.

"What do you mean?"

Cream and Rouge, overhearing her question, walked to catch up to the siblings.

"What she means is that this place doesn't look like it could have made that ship Riven has, you know, since it's made out of whatever metal and the town is built from stones and whatnot," Cream amended.

"It doesn't look like the townspeople could have created that ship. It's rather... futuristic, if you can imagine," Rouge added.

The prince nodded.

"I think I understand. You are correct in your assumptions. Stones and enchantment for the longest time have run our town. The prince gets his 'futuristic technology,' if you will, from Adrelis and the Core Seven," Riven explained.

"The Core Seven. He mentioned them earlier today. Who are they?" Rouge asked.

As they crossed the bridge and neared the walls of the fortress doors, Argentine slowed to a crawl as he explained.

"The Core Seven make up Prince Riven's council. They followed him to Aumoris as he came to power and as his father's power was relinquished to him at the king's death. They use their... abnormal power to aid the prince in his endeavors, such as creating the ships he needs to travel, upgrading the technology used to control his men and creating metallic monsters that enable the prince to destroy nations. It is hard to explain where their power originated from or how it is used. They call it shadow enchantment since it has yet to be explained by any Aumorian."

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