Epilogue: All That's Left of Yesterday

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Epilogue: All That's Left of Yesterday

Her quills lifted with the cool current, the everlasting pink and orange sky so picturesque to her after the grim and gray backdrop of the receding battle. Just below the masterpiece, the trees fluttered as if brimming with ceaseless chatter, spreading word of the great Aumorian battle that had finally met its end. In the shadow of the trees, a grand ship waited, its engine whirring and unsettling the grassy purchase below. Amy eyed the ship's entrance, a wide metal walkway with dim lights lining the edges, and watched as Knuckles and Tails lifted the remains of the chaos dispenser into the bay. Sally guided them, telling them to hold it steady, while Cream and Rouge waited at the bottom of the incline, holding the remnants of their loose belongings, ready to load them onto the ship.

"Take care of my daughter," King Amelius said.

"We will, your majesty," Sonic replied.

Amy's heart squeezed, but she found the courage to turn to the forlorn group behind her, just a few steps away. She found Sonic and her father regarding each other solemnly, her mother beside them with her attention drawn to the dark hedgehog before her. King Amelius kept one hand on Sonic's shoulder and the other tight to his forearm as he finished his conversation with the blue blur. Sonic returned the king's firm grip on his arm, nodding in understanding of his instructions. The queen was speaking in hush to Shadow, her face tight.

Shadow turned to let Amy join them as she approached. The rose lifted the corner of her lips to him and he placed a hand behind her back in response. She released a shaky breath before meeting her mother's crystalline eyes. She found them molten and tired, but they were laced with relief and hope. Shadow rubbed small circles into her back, and Amy straightened.

"Is it really okay for me to go?" Amy asked.

Sonic and the king had separated and gone quiet, giving Amy and Queen Argentina their attention.

"Until Prince Riven's body and the Core Seven are found, it is not safe for you here, Amelia. We succeeded in eliminating the immediate threat Riven posed and without him, the souls of Adrelis will not bring us harm, but the Core Seven are still out there. As long as they exist, they will find a new champion to fight for the Aumorian throne. And as our chosen heir, you will continue to be their target," Argentina explained.

The king cleared his throat.

"Even if we find Riven is truly dead, the Core Seven will not appreciate Sir Shadow's destruction of their masterpiece. Aumoris will be a dangerous place with the Core Seven running on vengeance alone, especially for you and your friends after today. It will be easier for us to secure the means to capture and eliminate the Core Seven without your life hanging in the balance," King Amelius said.

"Plus, you don't want to be around while they raise the new oracle, Ames. Several nights of no sleep, days of endless screaming, and baby vomit? Bleh. Sounds like all work and no fun. You're better off on Mobius, kicking robot butt with us," Sonic added.

Amy's eyes fell, but she ultimately felt her body relax into Shadow's supporting arm at the thought of going back to Mobius with her friends. Queen Argentina lifted her hand to the rose, palm upturned. Amy hesitantly placed a hand in her mother's palm and the queen pulled her hand to her chest, covering it with both hands as she closed her eyes and muttered a quick prayer.

"My magic is still too thin from the battle, so I do not have anything to give you, my child. I am sorry. Just know that we will do everything in our power to find and end the Core Seven's reign so you can assume the throne anew. And I give you and Sir Shadow my blessing. He will take care of you, along with Sir Sonic, until we call for your safe return."

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