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The path let out onto an open clearing, which served as the backyard of the large mansion shared by the heroes. Although in view, the house was quite a distance away from the hunter and little red, whom of which were walking the length of the clearing to reach the porch. The hunter sweat dropped, seeing from a distance the extravagance of the party simply from the decorations scattered across the backyard.

From the sparse trees that littered the clearing and framed the large porch area were purple, blue and red lanterns hanging, with white, beady lights falling like ice crystals below them. Wrapped around the base of the trees were red ribbons, tied nicely into decorative bows. The wooden border of the dark brown porch was wrapped with white ribbons and lined with even more lanterns. Below the porch, under and around the trees were tables graced with white table clothes and candles, chairs surrounding each for the leisure of the guests. On the right of the porch were long tables, graced with purple tablecloth, beholding a buffet fit for a king. A roasted pig with an apple along its jaw, ribs, hotdogs, hamburger patties, buns, chilidogs, fries, bowls of assorted chips and pretzels, fruit salads, rice, beans, pork, shrimp, drumsticks, cold vegetables with ranch dip and a table alone dedicated to sweet treats such as donuts, cupcakes, cookies and a few other pastries. Along the same assembly line, near the end, were twelve blue ice chests, each specializing in a specific beverage, ranging from beer to soda to juices to water. The large remainder of the porch was left to be stomped on as the dance floor was set up. How it was created, they were unsure, but it seemed Rouge had gotten color changing tiles that changed as people stepped on them. Bubbles floated about the scene as a small coalition of partiers danced, a disco ball adorned above them, the large stereo system and subwoofers booming with volume and beat to the far left in the corner of the porch, the DJ shrouded in the shadows. The sun was just above the land.

As the couple approached, they took notice of three grills in the far right below the porch, smoke billowing from their exhaust pipes. Before they went up the steps, a voice called to them.

"Look who decided to show? Haven't seen you much, Ames."

Amy squinted between two grills and in the space noticed a green quill. At first she nearly panicked, thinking of the anti-Sonic, but then he showed his face, a grin adorning his cocky face.


"That's my name, baby. Don't wear it out." He smirked, winking, flipping the spatula in his grasp.

She giggled at his charisma, while the ebony glared lightly.

"It's nice to see you again. You sure have grown. How's palace life?"

Manic had grown to a height nearing Shadow's, his spiky bangs coming farther down his face, quills extending beyond his waist. He wore a simple black, spiky belt with a silver chain hanging low, his shoes black combat boots. He'd gained muscle since last she'd seen him, which was years ago.

"Eh, life is life. The royal palace? Ew, more like a royal pain in my ass." He looked away, flipping a few layers of the meat on the grill closest to him.

"Well, whatever you're cooking smells delightful." She complimented, before turning to walk the remainder of the steps, the ebony following her steps.

Skewed across the porch dance floor were Mobians of every shape and size, some recognizable, others just bystanders. Amy smiled nervously as many of the dancers looked to her general direction, smiling and shouting. She recognized Blaze and Silver standing rather close together, looking to her while lifting their drinks in a cheer. She also saw Marine waving as she danced from side to side, Charmy and Big standing near her as well chattering away about nothing in particular. Much of the crowd was swaying, much less dancing, as they were covered in warm casual attire.

The Story of Amy Rose: The CaptureWhere stories live. Discover now