United by the Ropes that Take

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Italics = thoughts/ emphases

When she decided to crack an eye open to investigate the noise disturbing her peace, a mesh of blue fur greeted her. Her eyelids fluttered and she pulled away from the warmth that was clinging to her. As she sat up to stretch, she did a double take, hopping away from the form on the bed as quietly as her startled form could manage. She covered her mouth as a small shout tried to escape.

Sonic rested on the small bunk, twitching in his sleep, his arms shaped in the manner it was when he held on to her only moments ago. Now that she was no longer beside him, his fingers quivered and his arms gathered around himself to preserve the warmth, as the small blanket gathered at his feet.

First she relaxed, sighing and bringing her heartbeat to a manageable pace.

Then she was angry.

With her hands on her hips, she walked to the bed, reaching to wake the blue blur, but before she her hand made contact, he whimpered, his eyelids quivering.

"Sal..." he muttered.

Her hand froze mid-reach.

And, despite herself, she brought her hand back to her side, her eyebrows arching upward. She looked away from him, rubbing her arms.

"Oh, Sonic. We shouldn't be having this problem," she whispered.

She leaned over his form, pressing a light kiss to his forehead, before turning and walking to the mini restroom to wash up. As she opened the door, she looked back at him.

"You have your priorities and I have mine as well. I guess that's why we're clashing. They don't fit. We don't fit."

She continued into the washroom, reaching the sink and taking care of her business quickly. As she brushed through her red tresses, the faint noise that had disturbed her sensitive hearing was now louder and more consistent.

She placed the brush in her toiletries bag, walking out of the restroom clean, but still adorning her nightgown. As she left, she could hear the shifting of Sonic's body in the sheets as he muttered her name again.

When she examined the ship's insides, she was met with quite the sight; it made her flush and smirk simultaneously as she crossed her arms. Tails held Cream tight, his face stuffed in her shoulder as she straddled him, snoring lightly as she rested atop him. Quite the romantic position, but one of them was bound to feel it when they woke.

With the main area clear, she waited and listened.

She made her way to the door. She pressed the release, stepping along the ramp as it led her down into the tall greenery below.

As her bare feet made contact with the soft vegetation, she sighed happily, letting the wind sift through her fur. It was mid-morning and the sun's intensity was growing. She walked forward, looking about, hearing the noise. She tried to pinpoint its familiarity. What reminded her of this noise?

Right as she reached the edge of the hill it clicked, a moment to late.

Soldiers, adorned in armor glistening with the sun's wrath, marched up the hill, They were so close to her; she was as good as captured, even as she turned briskly to run to the ship.

As she jogged, doing zigzags in the grace in case she became their target practice, she started counting the soldiers in her head.

There has to be at least twenty of them, maybe thirty! And the others still haven't returned. We'll have to either fight or flee.

As the ramp came into view, she prepared to shout for help, but thought better of it. Maybe the soldiers hadn't seen her yet. The last thing she needed was to give away her position.

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