Return, Flame of the White Rose

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In third person

Italics = thoughts/ emphases

"Italics with quotations" = mind speaking/telepathy

Chapter 9: Return, Flame of the White Rose


As the surge of power left her the moment the rose released the staff and left it in her mother's grasp, she felt light headed. Her mother stepped forward, gripping her staff and pointing it at the prince. A chaotic echo of cries and stomping shook the fortress and Amy found her feet in enough time to see the prince jump from the balcony.

As her ears perked, she tried to focus and take in everything that occurred in that moment.

The moment the prince launched himself over the balcony, her brother growled, charging after him, blood dripping from his arm, but King Amelius stopped him, grabbing his shoulder. Queen Argentina's hair pulsed with power as she walked over to the edge, standing to address her son.

"You are not destined to take his life, Argentine. Do not be so hasty."

Amy's ears perked up as her mind seemed to clear. Using the fortress wall to stabilize herself, she looked to her right to see Shadow, looking over the edge. From the profile of his face, she could see the hard glare directed to the ground and how tight his fists gripped the stone wall guard. With uneasy steps, she began to walk toward them.

"I know, mother, but at least let me join my men and follow Riven and his men out beyond our borders. I cannot stand still until I know that he is clear of our country."

As Amy got closer, Shadow looked to the queen, a stern gaze held between his red gems.

"I will follow him, if that puts your mind at ease, your highness. I will watch his back."

Hesitantly, the queen looked at her son and then ebony. The queen held her breath and nodded. A sharp call came from Riven's mouth as he waited a moment and the ebony prepared a knee to jump. Before the rose could protest, both her brother and the ebony jumped from her reach.

"Argentine! Shadow!"

She tripped to the edge of the balcony, gripping the guard and looking straight down into the chaotic ruin of howling men on horses.

Like ants storming from a destroyed anthill, Riven's soldiers, some mounted on horses, others on foot, fled from the fortress. They came from the main doors and any other exits they could find, seeming to come from around the fortress and stretched across the land as far as the eye could see. With the Aumorian skies dyed pink and the dust from their flee kicking up dust storm into the city, Amy looked below her, but Shadow and Argentine had already disappeared into the fray.


Her mother reached for her, holding her shoulders, keeping her from jumping.

"Please, my child, let your brother go."

"But he just jumped from a balcony! Even if they both made the fall, they'd be trampled in moments! I have to go help them," she explained in distress, looking into her mother's emerald gaze. But she relaxed, seeing how calm she was. King Amelius sheathed his sword and stood next to the queen, looking at his daughter with a steady gaze.

"Amelia, your brother has called for his horse and the dark one is fine. See for yourself."

The king directed a hand to a horse and a black dot, sifting a clear path through the fray in the distance. With the noise of war cry in her ears, she watched as Argentine and Shadow made chase and disappeared between two stone homes as they made their way through the city.

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