This is What We'll Be

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A/N: So this was supposed to be one full chapter detailing the final battle, but as I kept coming back to write each section, I realized this chapter alone may very well breach 20k words

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A/N: So this was supposed to be one full chapter detailing the final battle, but as I kept coming back to write each section, I realized this chapter alone may very well breach 20k words. There's a lot going on, especially with 8 characters to keep up with, so I'm going to upload the first half as its own chapter and then give you lovelies the last bit as another installment once I finish looking it over. Funnily enough, this entire battle was actually supposed to be tacked onto the end of the previous chapter, When the Dawn Bring no Sunrise, which would have been the perfect name for everything that's happening, but then the last chapter would have been a monster to get through. Like 35k words. Yeah, no. Too long. Three parts it is.

In splitting this chapter up and trying to find an extra chapter title, I fell upon a personal favorite song of mine that inspired this part of the story. This part was inspired by Let the Flames Begin by Paramore. The title is a line from the song.

Note: Regular italicized text = thoughts in characters head

Italicized and bold text = speaking through communicator

You can find art for this section here:

Girls in armor =

Guys in armor =

Amy's armor line art =

Shadow's armor line art =

Anyways, this is what you've all been waiting for. Onward!

Chapter 15: This is What We'll Be

Sometimes we have to stand back and lead from afar, Amelia.

The echoes of her mother's lecture kept Amy from entirely drifting from the battlement her mother left her to manage. With a somber breeze beckoning her to focus and stay vigilant, she remembered her mother's stricken facial features and the subtle threat that circled her eyes before she directed the other archers and then descended the stairs to ground level where she planned to take Cream to the emergency encampments lining the outskirts of the fortress. Amy had watched them depart in a horse-drawn carriage, both the beast of burden and the walls of their transport lined with a hard protective casing, likely erected by her mother's enchanting abilities. Shifting her weight, she adjusted the golden shoulderplates that cut into her and fiddled with the fabric of her gloves, picking up her bow and leaning over to scan the battlefield from her crenel.

Holding our position on the southeast corner. Status update, Rouge?

Her heart skipped a beat as Sally's decisive voice crackled into her left ear. She blinked as she squinted at the emergency huts, medics quickly transferring what she assumed was medical supplies from hut to hut. She tried to make out the yellow of Cream's enchanted battle wear. She shifted her gaze ahead to the dark figures lining the horizon. As the land seemed to hold its breath, so did she. She expected to see a slew of soldiers crumbling to their knees, to hear the screech of a battlecry any moment now or any sign of life from the dark prince and his forces. Her chest tightened and she forced herself to close her burning eyes and lean against the stone.

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