And in her Hands... the Cure

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He came down from his horse, walking the distance between them slowly as he spoke. His quills, vibrant against the sunlight, gave him a grace she could not place. He gripped his sword hilt, his back taut as he spoke elegantly.

"The signal the Oracle spoke of has come. Amelia, I know this whole endeavor mirrors the attributes of a folktale, but I can prove to you that even the prophecy is real," he explained with a faint smile, grabbing her upper arms. Their eyes locked and Amy found herself trapped in a trance induced by the excitement and desperation in his eyes.

The horses surrounding her huffed, their tails swishing in anticipation. She could feel it, the need for redemption, the taste and feel of victory on their fingertips. She looked around her. The soldiers that sat above her waited, smiles etched across their muzzles and their eyes covered by their helmets. Although they didn't utter a word, she could tell they were a moment away from shouting their war cries and riding for the fortress. She looked back to her brother, in a trance.

"These men... they're..." she began, trying to find the words.

Argentine grabbed for her shoulders gently, holding her at arms length. His warmth permeated her as she looked up into his crystal gaze. His head tilted to the left ever so slightly.

"They are our men, Amelia. The men I told you that were loyal to our family and our family only. I've assembled them now, for the moment we release mother and father, they will flood the fortress and rid the city of Riven's forces. We must make haste. Riven is mortally wounded from your assault and the Core Seven work vigorously to heal him."

Argentine tugged on her arms, begging her to come to his horse.

"Wait. My friends... I-"

Her brother ceased his tugging as a path was made behind Amy through the riders. Amy turned around, watching as Sonic, Sally, Cream and Knuckles walked between the horses legs to the center circle, followed by Tails, Rouge and Shadow. The blue blur smirked.

"You didn't think we'd let you have all the fun without us, did you, Ames?"

Amy shook her head with a blush.

"No, I ... well..."

Knuckles walked to where Sonic stood, looking down at the rose with a brotherly smile.

"Amy, we're not leaving you to save a country by yourself. Any family of yours is worth saving."

Amy looked away from him, unsure.

"This isn't your fight. It's hardly even mine. Cream... Rouge. You've been through so much already and we're so close to making it off this planet and away from that Chaos forsaken prince. I can't let any of you stay and fight him. I will go with Argentine," she declared as her friends closed in. She made contact with all of them and at last, her gaze fell to Shadow.

His gaze was steady and unfaltering; it was almost enough to break her down all over again. She was trying to keep herself together until she and her friends were safely plummeting through space and away from this nightmare.

She blinked as their eye contact lingered. Her attention was averted as Rouge stepped into her line of sight.

"Hun, this country needs you. It needs us. It might seem like a death trap and we risk everything wasting any more time here, but we're here now and we have the upper hand. We should take it while we can."

Sonic appeared between Amy and her brother, snaking his arms around their shoulders with a smirk. Argentine stood unmoving, but looked to the blue blur with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

The Story of Amy Rose: The CaptureWhere stories live. Discover now