October 14, 1996

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"...this is the worst crime they've seen in years. Even worse than..."

Sidney stepped off the bus with you following after. The two of you would routinely sit elsewhere and walk into the school building with different friends. Today was an exception since you were interested in Billy's spontaneous appearance the previous night.

Sid hadn't uttered a word to you on the bus, and, by the looks of it, she had no intention of telling you. Regardless, you still walked beside her.

It didn't take long for both of you to notice news reporters strewn around the school campus. You and Sidney observe the campus trying to piece together what was going on, but both of you froze upon seeing a certain reporter.

Standing near the school entrance Gale Weathers stood donning the most obnoxious lime-yellow suit.

"What the hell is she doing here?" you mumble to yourself, only for Tatum to pop up, causing Sid to gasp and flinch.

Tatum spoke, "Can you believe this shit?"

"What is going on?" You ask.

The blonde continues, "You don't know? Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night."

"What? No way," Sid exclaims, to which Tatum only nods in confirmation.

"And we're not talking killed; we're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end."

Deciding you heard enough, you separated. Sid called your name in hopes of stopping you, but to no avail. Besides, there was a reporter who was practically begging to have her broadcast ruined.

Gale was still spewing her nonsense to the camera when you appear behind her. You made sure you were in the line of the camera before flipping off Gale and yelling loud enough to ensure you were heard, "Go fuck yourself, Gale Weathers!"

You didn't move a muscle until she whipped around to look at the disruption. You sent her a wink before running off, knowing it was only a matter of time until you were caught and punished.

You didn't get very far because of someone in your path. You weren't aware at the time, but you ran right into the hands of danger.

"Billy?" Your voice was hoarse from its lack of use and short-lived sprint. You peer up at him in awe.

He clutches your shoulders, creating some distance between your bodies. The look of concern on his face couldn't have been more apparent. His brows furrowed, outlining the creases on his glabella, and his eyes eased onto your form. Lips parted, equipped to utter words, yet saying nothing.

Your thoughts cut short when someone cleared their throat.

"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but we're kinda in the middle of the hallway, and we may or may not be in everyone's way," Stu explains gesturing to the people walking around you and Billy.

The two of you separate as if it was a knee-jerk reaction. You could hear Stu snicker at the action and glare at him. He stuck his hands up in defense.

Billy brushes his clothes free of dirt and adjusted himself. The action alone reassembled his suave aloofness.

"So, s'there a reason you ran straight into me? Or is this your new 'hello'."

Stu answers for you, "Oh! Was that you who told off Gale? Gotta admit I'm looking forward to watching Top Story," he splayed his arm around Billy's shoulder leaning toward you.

You shrug indifferently, "They'll probably cut out that footage. Can't say I regret it. I can die happy after seeing that look of shock on her stupid face."

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