October 15, 1996: Part VI

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"What's Leatherface doing here?"

After Stu convinced you he would check out the garage, Sidney caught up to you. She hadn't told you where exactly she went but urged you to help her look for Tatum. 

It's not like Stu has anything to hide, so he encouraged you both. However, the upstairs was completely off-limits because he didn't want other guests thinking that area was permitted. The last thing he needed was for couples to initiate something intimate in any of the bedrooms.

You and Sid roam downstairs, checking every room except for closets and such. The only room you hadn't checked was the living room since you had just been there. 

With no sign of Tatum, Sid decided to call it quits.

You and Sid make your way to the front entrance as nearly all the party-goers were leaving based on the city-wide curfew or their parents' curfew.

Stu stood in the open doorway of the house, sending people off. "Happy curfew," He says to a young couple.

"Nice party, Stu," A girl complimented as she joined her other peers.

He didn't respond and instead clutched onto the chic red robe he had been wearing all night and watched people get into their cars and speed off.

You and Sid stood at the bottom of the staircase, a few feet away from Stu.

"Tatum, come on!" Sid calls out while looking at the top of the stairs.

You walk over to Stu, and Sid follows, "Do you know where she is?"

He shrugs, "Nah, I haven't seen her."

Suddenly, Billy pops out in the doorway, yelling "Ah!" to scare the three of you.

Stu makes an alarmed noise, and Sid let out a startled gasp, whipping around to see him. You hadn't flinched but were off-put by his presence.

If Tatum was here, she would've dragged both of you out of the house.

Billy raises his eyebrows twice to Stu as if to signal something.

"Oh, Billy. Hey," Sid stiffly greets him, clearly not expecting him.

Stu taps his chin, "Billy, hmm. What are you doing here?" He asks, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as if they hadn't planned this in advance.

"I was hoping I could talk to Sid alone," He spares a glance at you, unable to meet your eyes.

"Y'know if Tatum sees you here, she'll draw blood," Sid warns him.

Oh, Sidney, if only you knew.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you guys go up to my parent's room? Y'know, you guys can talk, whatever," He not-so-subtly hinted at them being intimate.

"Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up," Billy cooly told him.

Sidney was slightly taken back by his all-too-calm demeanor. "No, it-it's okay. We do need to talk." She extends her hand to him, and he gladly takes it with a sly grin.

He punches Stu where the sun doesn't shine, as he formally enters the house.

Stu grabs at the front of his pants, letting out a pained breath, "Ow."

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