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A/N: Thank you everyone for waiting patiently for this last chapter. As a reward, this will be the longest chapter of this entire book. Each part of the chapter is separated by images, meaning there are three parts to this chapter. Each part is longer than the one before it

Word Count: 7k

Part I:  

"Man, I thought she was dead."

Fed up with the tender moment you and Stu were having, Billy spoke up. "Alright, alright. You get the gun, and I'll untie pops, okay?" He addresses his partner.

Stu stands still, hesitant to comply with Billy. You had calmed down, no longer crying, but his concern for you hadn't died down.

"Now!" Billy barks when Stu doesn't immediately obey his order.

Stu winces at his tone, submitting to him, "Okay."

The second you are no longer in the loving embrace of the killer, you teeter unable to stabilize yourself. You rely on the kitchen island next to you to prevent yourself from collapsing. Much like Stu, your deep wound would not stop bleeding even as you persisted in putting pressure on it. It was an odd sensation to feel the blood escaping you. The warm bodily fluid stains your hand and the surrounding fabric of your shirt.

Billy, once again, turns his attention back to Sidney, holding the knife in her face in a threatening manner.

Stu hobbles over Neil's body to the kitchen counter next to the doorway. To his dismay, the gun was no longer there.

"Um. Uhh..." He taps the countertop, switching between his fingertips and knuckles in the exact spot he had placed the firearm earlier. "Houston, we...we have a problem," He expresses in distress.

"What?" Billy tilts his head, looking over to Stu.

"The gun! Man. The gun. I put it right there, and it's not there," Stu giggles, questioning if he's lost his mind.

Billy abandons the idea of holding Sid at knife-point and walks over to where Stu Stood. 

"Where the fuck is it?" He asks, mirroring Stu and looking down at the counter.

The sound of a gun cocking grabs their attention.

Billy looks up and is met with the barrel of the gun.

"Right here asshole," Gale Weathers holds the gun, standing mere feet away from the teen killers. The front door remains open from where she entered.

It was clear she had seen better days. Her perfectly sculpted hair now resembles a bird's nest. A long gash formed on her forehead spanning from the middle of it to the tail of her eyebrow. The gash was accompanied by harsh pink-ish, purple bruising that had accentuated the bruise on her cheekbone from taking a punch to the face. The skin around the corner of her mouth looked scraped, and blood began to bubble to the surface.

Her hand shook as she held the weapon. You weren't sure if it was because she was terrified or because she had survived a car crash and still made her way back to the house.

Billy didn't look the least bit worried, turning his head to Stu as he spoke, "Man, I thought she was dead."

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