October 15, 1996: Part V

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TW: Death

"...you wanna play psycho killer?"

Tatum makes her way to the garage begrudgingly. She warned Stu not to invite Billy, so why did he think letting Gale in was any better? She swore her boyfriend could be so dense sometimes. 

The constant harassment you and Sid had to deal with from the press and reporters for nearly a year was bad enough, but Gale just had to poke her nose in your guys' business again. She was not going to stand back and willingly let Gale tamper with your lives again if she could help it.

The music sounded distant and muffled from the garage. Tatum opens the door and is met with darkness before she presses the garage button next to the doorway. The light clicks on, and the garage door began to rise until it reaches a certain point and descends.

Her shoes click on the concrete pavement as she goes over to the fridge. The garage entrance squeaks on its hinges and shuts close while Tatum grabs as many beer bottles as she can carry. Gardening equipment crashes to the ground, startling her enough to swiftly turn around.

"Jesus!" She exclaims, and an orange cat angrily meows, running through the doggy door built into the large garage door.

She sighs, "Tatum, it's okay," She tells herself, shutting the fridge door with her foot. She goes to open the garage door, only to find it locked. "Shit," The garage light suddenly shuts off.

Tatum takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. "Hey, shitheads! Hello." She grumbles when she gets no response, "Shit, piss."

She clicks on the garage button again to open the garage. The large door ascends halfway up, and Tatum goes to walk under it until it closes shut again. She quickly steps back and turns to see Ghostface standing in the garage with her. Their hand hovered over the garage button.

"Is that you, Randy?"

Ghostface shakes their head.

Tatum sighs and walks up to them, "Cute, and what movie is that from? I Spit On Your Garage?" She twists the title of the movie I Spit On Your Grave to fit the scenario.

She stands in front of them, "Lose the outfit. If Sidney or Y/N see it, they'll flip."

Ghostface blocks Tatum from reaching the garage door and shakes their head.

"Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" Ghostface silently nods.

She scoffs, "Can I be the helpless victim?" Tatum asks, clearly not taking the situation as seriously as she should. Ghostface nods again.

"Okay, let's see," She changes her tone to be more soft-spoken, "No, please don't kill me, Mr.Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel." She tries to get closer to the garage door but is stopped again by Ghostface.

She becomes agitated, "Cut, Casper. That's a wrap."

Ghostface roughly grabs Tatum's arm, causing the beer bottles to shatter on the ground. Tatum struggles against them, "Randy, what the hell are you doing? Aaah!" She cries out as Ghostface reveals their choice of blade, a hunting knife.

She begs them to stop as they shallowly slice into her arm. She rips her arm out of their grip and staggers backward. They run at her, so she slams open the freezer door in their face. They fall over, and Tatum makes a run for the garage door. She doesn't bother with the door again but clicks the button. She grabs an unbroken beer bottle and throws it at Ghostface's mid-section when they rose back up.

"Fucker!" She yells and throws another bottle at their mask.

They stumble for a second before running at Tatum again. She ducks down, and they flip onto the small stairs underneath the garage door.

Tatum takes her chances and throws herself onto the floor, crawling to the doggy door to make her escape. She makes it farther than you'd think but gets stuck at her waist. She continues to struggle and tries to force her body through the door. Sadly, Ghostface clicked the button one last time.

She kicked and screamed as the door kept going higher and higher until finally, the small door she was stuck in reached the pinnacle of the garage, thus crushing her head on it. Her body went limp as the garage mechanism became overwhelmed and the garage light exploded.

Ghostface stares at her body before opening the garage door and stepping into the house.

After giving your input on the movie choice, Randy finally caved and agreed to put on Halloween. You had been so wrapped up in the conversation that you didn't stop to think where Sid and Tatum went. You knew Tatum went to the garage to grab more beers, as Stu asked her to, but that was a while ago. After Dewey told Sid he still didn't know where your dad was, you figured she went to the bathroom or something to calm down and collect herself.

You excused yourself from the room, hoping to find Sid or Tatum, or the both of them. Randy protested since the remaining party-goers were finally gathering in the living room to sit down and watch the movie that everyone had spent deciding on for a long time. You waved him off and told him you'd be back before he knew it.

You didn't want to seem rude and roam Stu's house without permission on the off chance you would find Sid, so you began your search in the garage. It was the only definitive place you knew where at least one of them could be.

Your hand reaches out to the garage door handle, but you're interrupted by Stu. He gently moves your hand and stands directly in front of the door, blocking you.

"Woah–hey, bud. You do not want to go in there, trust me."

You quirk your brow at him, "What do you mean? Listen, I'm just trying to look for Tatum, okay? I haven't seen her since you told her to go to the garage."

He shrugs, casually waving his hand. "Pshh, she probably just wandered off. Y/N, the reason I asked her was because the garage's a mess and she's the most familiar with mi casa." He looks down at you, "But if you're really worried about her, I'll check the garage myself, okay?"

You sigh but agree, nonetheless. 

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