October 16, 1996

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"It's a scream, baby!"

"Why are you doing this?" Sidney weeps.

You can hear the pure, unadulterated amusement in Stu's voice, "It's all part of the game."

Billy brought the voice changer to his lips again, "It's called 'Guess How I'm Gonna Die."

"Fuck you!" Sid snaps at him.

"No, no, no, no, no," Billy and Stu exchanged weapons, with Billy handing Stu the gun and the former gracefully offering the hunting knife in the palm of his hand. "We already played that game, remember?" He not-so-subtly alluded to the fact that not even an hour ago, he and Sidney had sex.

You clung to Sid's side as you both backed away from Billy, who stepped forward, keeping the knife pointed at the two of you.

"You lost," Billy finished.

Stu waved the gun around as he talked, "It's a fun game. You see, we ask you a question, and if you get it wrong–Boo-Kah! You die." 

The gun that was once in Sidney's hands pointed at Stu was now in his hands, aimed at you and her. The tables really had turned since then.

"You get it right, you die," Billy asserted, tapping the knife against your chest.

You let out a shuddering breath, coming to realize the position you were in, "You're crazy, both of you." 

There was no way in hell you were getting out of this. Someway, somehow, you and Sid would die tonight, all because of them.

Stu came up behind Billy, propping his chin onto the latter's shoulder, "Actually, we prefer the term 'psychotic'."

Billy had taken to carefully dragging the blade over Sidney's chest. He didn't apply much pressure, merely letting it trace patterns over her skin. It was still enough to instill fear and keep her in place.

"You'll never get away with this," Sid stammered, mostly to reassure herself.

Stu raises his eyebrows, and his mouth opens into an 'o' shape before his face relaxes, and he chuckles.

Billy's knife goes still. He lifts his head, bringing his attention away from his knife and back to his girlfriend. Correction, ex-girlfriend. "Oh, no? Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame," His blade caressed part of her face, sweeping back a strand of her hair.

You analyzed Stu's demeanor around Billy. You imagined Billy could feel Stu breathing down his neck, completely unaware of how Stu looked at him. You saw every sly glance he gave to Billy. It didn't take long for you to witness Stu's admiration for Billy firsthand. He would get lost in the moment, taking advantage of their closeness and taking in every feature he could up-close.

You questioned the true nature of their relationship. From the looks of it, they had evolved into something less platonic, and more akin to what they displayed with their so-called girlfriends. You know, the ones they killed or were in the midst of being killed.

"Watch a few movies, take a few notes. It was fun," Stu professes with a gummy smile. His voice broke your train of thought. 

For a second there, you let yourself get lost in your thoughts and forget about the life or death situation you're in. Oh, joy.

"No!" Sidney cries out, knees buckling under her and you help her stand upright. She turned her back to Billy, who stood in front of her, "Why?" She slammed her hand on the kitchen counter, facing the two killers, "Why did you kill our mother?"

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