October 16, 1996: Part II

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"Movies don't make psychos!"

You're let go and thrown to Stu. He traps you in his arms with ease, his linked fingers coming to rest on your stomach.

You stare at the ground, not wanting to meet Sidney's gaze. 

If you had looked up, you would've seen the distrust in her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and her lip quivered with indignation. How could you do such a thing? Revealing your adoption like it was nothing to disassociate yourself from the Prescotts. All for the chance to live. You would do anything to save yourself, going as far as aligning yourself with the killers and all but willing to support the validity of their narrative. She couldn't believe you could stoop low enough to essentially sacrifice your family.

Billy taps his chin with the end of the blade and looks like he's seriously considering your offer. "Seems I've underestimated you. You've got guts, kid, especially to say that in front of your only remaining family members–Well, I guess we established that that's not really the truth, now is it?"

Stu deviously chuckles, leaning his body into yours, " How're we supposed to believe you're not gonna rat us out? You're gonna have to prove your loyalty to us, Y/N. For all we know, you're all talk."

Your mouth gets dry, "I-I can put my prints on the gun and kill Randy. Can't imagine he died from one shot to the shoulder."

You can imagine Randy lying on the floor, still writhing in pain from the bullet wound. He must be in excruciating pain. You'd be doing him a favor by putting him out of his misery, right?

Billy clicks his tongue, "Think bigger. Randy's too easy of a kill. How 'bout dear ol' dad? I mean if you really are adopted, it shouldn't be a problem."

You choke out a sob shaking your head incessantly, "Please...not him. Anyone but him."

"Anyone? Be careful what you wish for, bub. It's either your father or Sidney. Take. Your. Pick," Stu emphasizes.

The older boy's voice enchanted you like a snake charmer playing his tune. The callous words slithered into your ear canal, worming their way into your mind, and corroding your judgment. You found his abrasive nature coercing you by the second.

"Fine. Fine, I'll do it," You gave in far too quickly. 

There's a wild look in Billy's eyes as his lips contorted into a sinister grin. "Watch this," He tells Sidney while letting her go. He wields the hunting knife, approaching you and Stu. He raises his eyebrows, tilting his head, "Ready?"

You assume he's asking Stu since his arms were no longer wrapped around you. You step to the side, unsure what Billy had planned to do with the weapon. Whatever it was, you didn't want to be part of it.

Stu places his hands behind his head to give Billy an opening. "Yeah. Yeah! I'm ready, baby! Hit it! Get up! Yeah, babe, get up! Hit it!" He yells in Billy's face, encouraging his next action.

You weren't sure where that burst of energy came from, but it was downright terrifying.

You and Sidney witness Billy stab Stu on his lower torso. The taller teen moans in pain, doubling over. Sidney gasps, startled by the sudden violence while you stand in the middle of them, too frightened to move.

After a moment, Stu straightens up but stays hunched over. His hand covers his wound in an attempt to put pressure on it. He slurs his words, "Good one, man. Jesus," He compliments the other killer.

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