October 15, 1996: Finale

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"Surprise, Sidney."

Sidney races up the porch stairs, chest heaving from her rapid breathing.

"Sidneeey!" Randy's voice rang out from behind her.

She crouches over Dewey's body, quickly finding the weapon in his gun holster.

Randy limps over, holding onto his injured leg, "Sidney! Jesus, we've gotta get the fuck out of here!"

Sid aims the gun at him, "Stop right there."

Randy stopped in his tracks, "Don't shoot. It's me!"

Stu finally makes his appearance. He ran in from the left side of the yard, skidding to a halt in front of the squad car.

"I found Tatum. She's dead. I think Stu did it!" He accuses the boy behind him.

"Don't listen to him, Sidney!" Stu blubbers, pointing to Randy.

Sidney points the gun at Stu, "Stay back!" She warned as they began to approach her.

Randy had only moved closer to Sidney to try and create distance between him and Stu, whom he did not trust. He craned his neck to look at Stu while pointing at him, "Stu did it."

Stu was in hysterics, crying loudly, "He killed Billy. He killed my Tatum."

"You did it!" Randy shot back. He hopped up the porch steps, and Sidney carefully stepped back, making sure not to trip over Dewey's legs.

Stu yanks Randy's arm, pulling him off the stairs onto the ground. "He killed my Tatum!" Stu repeated.

"No, I didn't!" Randy insisted.

"You lie!"

Stu walks toward her, reaching out with cupped hands, "Sidney, baby, please, give me that gun. Give me that gun! Christ, man," He begs her.

Randy got back up, hobbling onto the steps, "No, I didn't! Sid, he did it! He did it, Sidney! Please, I didn't do it. He did it. Please! Please, Sidney." Stu and Randy continue to point at each other and push the blame onto the other.

You stumble upon the display of Stu and Randy arguing while Sidney keeps the gun pointed at them.

"Erm, what's going on here?" You ask, and they turn their heads in your direction.

Sidney lowers the firearm, not wanting to point the weapon at you.

Stu immediately goes over to you. He shakes your shoulders, "Hey, man, talk some sense into your sister. She's not thinking straight, okay? I didn't do anything. It was all Randy!" He proceeds to point at the said teen, but his words hardly register.

All you could do was stand there, frozen in place as you stared at the body on the porch–Dewey's body. You don't bother removing Stu's hands and wordlessly make your way to the porch.

You ignore Randy's pleas of innocence to Sid as you stand directly in front of Dewey's corpse. A thin slit was torn into his jacket from where he had been stabbed. Blood seeped into the fabric and pooled onto the floor.

Sidney looks between Randy and Stu, unsure who to believe. "Fuck you both!" She says, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you inside the house with her. She wasn't going to risk the safety of you and her.

"No! No!" Stu cries out as she shuts and locks the front door in his face.

They incessantly bang on the door.

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