Valentine's Special

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A/N: image by twt user @ SamWineman

After an exhausting day at your workplace, your shift finally ends, and you get to wind down at home. The day seemed to never end, which left you a sluggish drive home. You were only able to survive the drive by playing music obnoxiously loud.

Upon returning home, you put your keys in their designated place and head to your bedroom. You shut the door behind you, listening to it click to a close. Your feet ache as you remove your shoes and undress from your work uniform. Slouching on the edge of the bed, you chug water until you feel content. Your beautifully made bed has been calling to you all day, and you could not have been more enthusiastic to finally rest.

Your body flops onto the sheet-ridden mattress. Ah, home sweet home. It is truly a breath of fresh air to be able to lie on your bed in comfortable silence. Nothing could have put you more at ease at that moment. You let your eyes flutter shut as drowsiness took over.

No longer than a minute had passed, and your leisure was disrupted by the ringing coming from your corded phone. You sigh but answer nonetheless.

"Yes? Hello."

"Y/N, hey! How's my favorite person doing?" Stu's voice bellows from the phone.

You could practically hear Stu's smile as he talked. "I wouldn't know. How is Billy doing?"

Laughter floods your ears, but it doesn't sound like Stu's alone. Billy's gravelly voice spoke up, "I'm doing fine I'll have you know."

You huff, "I should've known you two were together."

Stu's voice chimes in, "Speaking of, we were wondering if you could come over?"

"It's Valentine's Day, aren't you gonna spend it with your girlfriends?"

"They're having a girl's night so I thought we could have a boy's night! Besides, I haven't seen you in so long, I miss you," you could imagine him pouting as he spoke. Damn Stuart, he really knew how to pull at your heartstrings.

Even though you were drained and had planned to pass out, you couldn't help but be swayed by Stu's eagerness and sincerity. A couple of hours of hanging out couldn't hurt, right?

"If it's a 'boy's night,' does that mean you invited Randy?"

A moment of silence before Billy answered, "No, did you want him to be?" There was a hint of disdain in his voice. He had chosen his words carefully.

"Not really, I was just wondering. Did you want me to come over now or?" As quickly as you brought up Randy you moved past talking about him any further.

The phone was handed back to Stu, "Get here as soon as you can, little man. We'll be waiting, bye!"

"See you soon," You said before ending the call.

You lay there dazed. It had been a while since you had hung out, much less called each other. Work had been keeping you busier than you'd like to admit. With a soft sigh, you sit up and peer at your closet. You had to idea what you were gonna wear.

After several minutes of mindless staring, you got up and sifted through your clothes. You figured since it was a boy's night you'd be staying indoors and opted to wear something casual and comfortable. You took your time getting dressed to mentally prepare yourself for a lengthy drive. Stu just had to live on the outskirts of town where nobody lived, didn't he?

You sometimes wondered what he could get away with since he didn't have neighbors. His parents were frequently out of town, which might not be the wisest decision. Any teenage boy left in such a big house without parental guidance for days on end could be dangerous. To be fair, it led to several eventful nights where everyone got to unwind.

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