October 15, 1996: Part VIII

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Warning: Spoilers for Halloween (1978)

"Please, he's going to try and kill me."

"No, Jamie. Aah, watch out. Watch out, Jamie. You know he's around," Randy mumbles to himself. He sat in the living room and continued to watch Halloween alone. He warned Laurie Strode's actress, Jamie Lee Curtis, as she entered the room Annie was killed in.

"You know–oh. There he is, I told you," Ghostface peers around the corner, creeping into the living room from the kitchen. "I told you, he was right around the corner. Jamie, Jamie. Jamie, look behind you," Randy sat up from his relaxed position, clutching onto a throw pillow.

The killer now stood directly behind him, the only thing separating them being the couch. "Look behind you. Turn around. Behind you. Ah, turn around! Behind you!" Ghostface lifts their arms above their head, grasping their blade's handle with both hands, preparing to harm Randy. "Behind you, Jamie. Jamie, turn around. Oh, God. Yeah, yeah," He says while Laurie Strode screams as Bob Simms' body swings behind her.

"Help me! Help," Ghostface lowers their arms and turns their head toward the door, hearing Sidney's pleas from outside. Sid rushes to the Top Story van and bangs on the door, "Let me in!"

Kenny wakes up from his snoozing state and opens the door for her. She quickly hops in, "The killer's after me! He's in the house," She babbles hastily, closing the van door.

"Where? Wait, there's a camera in the house. Look," Kenny points to the T.V playing delayed footage of Randy yelling at the screen for Jamie to look behind her.

They watch in horror as Ghostface approaches Randy. "Oh my God. No," Sidney whimpers.

"Oh, shit," Kenny mumbles. "Behind you, kid!" He exclaims at the screen.

"Randy!" Sid cries out.

"Behind ya!" Kenny opens the van door, once again, when he sees Ghostface about to strike. He and Sid look at the front door of the house. It was wide open.

 Kenny turns back to look at the screen, "Shit."

"What?" Sid asks.

"We're on a 30-second delay," He tells her and turns to face the house again, only for Ghostface to slice his throat open.

Sidney screams, bringing both of her hands to her face. She finds it hard to breathe and rapidly gasps for air.

Kenny chokes on his blood, using his last breath to try and save Sid. "The door," He strained to say, pointing at the very back of the van. He keels over leaving Ghostface an opening to get to the teenage girl.

Sidney comes to her senses and closes the sliding door, but not without Ghostface taking a stab at her. She cries out in pain, clutching her left shoulder as the masked killer attempts to unlock the door. Sid gets on her knees, crawling on the ground through the tech equipment into a narrow opening leading to the back of the van.

Ghostface unlocks the side door as Sid worms her way out, falling onto the ground. She quickly recovers, sprinting away from them. Their mask peaks from the narrow hole, and they slam their hand on the van floor, furious that Sidney got away from them, again.

Dewey and Gale head to the house. The deputy ducks behind his car, pointing his gun and flashlight at the main entrance. He turns to Gale, "Is there a phone in the van?"

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