// The Nogitsune is gone...?

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A week after they defeated the Nogitsune

Stiles P.O.V.

I was still locked up in my room. Every since that day I didn't have the guts to face anyone at all, even my dad. The only company I had was me and my mind, which wasn't pretty pleasant at all.

Every second of the day the only thing I did was feel guilty knowing and remembering everything I did. Even if a lot of the times Scott, Lydia and my dad tried to convince it wasn't my fault through letters which they slide in my room, I still don't believe it.

I would get out through my window and lock it every other time so no one could enter through it.

I still think of Allison and Aiden's deaths and I can't support myself for knowing that all of it happened under my control.

Scott P.O.V

It's been a week.

I can't believe all of what has happened during the past few weeks. I still think of Allison throughout the day but I have to remember myself that she isn't here anymore.

But what makes me sadder is knowing I can't count on Stiles anymore because he has locked himself on his room, isolated from the world.

I want to help but right now I don't even know how to do it.

I still hang out with Kira now and then but it feels awkward due to everything that has happened during the past few weeks.

I want to leave all of it in the past but it seems impossible because everyone is suffering because of it, specially Stiles.

Third Person's P.O.V

Stiles was lying on his bed facing the ceiling just staring into space thinking of everything that he's done, all the pain he has caused. As much as he wanted to leave and go outside and be normal again he knows that is impossible for him to ever go back to a normal life.

Many people had tried to get his attention throughout the week but he ignored every single one of them.

Lydia, Malia, Scott, Kira and the sheriff had all tried to make him open the door but he wouldn't pay attention to what they said.

He felt guilty and like no one would care for him because he had ruined their lives.

Scott tried to burst in the door with his supernatural strength but Stiles wasn't dumb enough to forget that he lived around supernatural creatures, so he barricaded his room with mountain ash.

Nobody could get him out of this room.

The only time he would go out he would sneak out from his window to not feel enclosed all the time.

But nobody would notice. He didn't want them to notice. He just wanted to be left alone. They didn't deserve him.

He hadn't spoken in a week and a half by now that he doesn't even remember the sound of his own voice. He doesn't even want to remember it.

On and on it went, the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the constant overwhelming crushing fear that something terrible is about to happen.

:/ :) :p

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