A plan

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Scott's P.O.V

I can barely survive every day now. I can't just live my life as nothing happened. As if he didn't exist. He is my brother, my best friend and I'm losing him and I can't live knowing I didn't do anything to help him and I wasn't by his side in this painful moments.

School isn't the same without him. Everything is just silent. It's like all the laughs and words were taken away from the whole place. Stiles did bring joy to the school.

Many didn't appreciate him but now that he is gone many have started saying how miserable the whole place is without him. And I can't stand that they barely knew him and now they all act as if they know everything about him.

It's not the same without him at my side saying sarcastic comments.

Everyone is more silent nowadays.

But I've started hearing people whispering things to each others. And I can't just ignore that I noticed that they keep looking at me.

So I went to find Lydia. I need to know if she knew what was happening.

I went through the corridors towards her locker. Then I saw her and I went towards her.

"Hey!" I said awkwardly.

She turned to face me. And I couldn't help but notice that she had been crying.

So I had to ask.

"Hey. It's everything alright?"

Obviously something wasn't right but I didn't know how to start the conversation.

After what felt like an hour but it actually was one minute she looked directly at me and finally spoke.

-"No. Nothing's right. He...i can't believe he...why?!"

I felt completely lost and confused. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What. Lydia I don't understand."

She looked at me worried for a second.

-"What...you don't...know?"

"No I don't have any idea what is going on or what are you talking about."

She sighed worriedly and then said something I never wanted to hear again.

-"It's Stiles. He...he...admitted himself...to...to Eichen House...again...but now...he...he...did it for real..."

I felt like someone had punched me right in the stomach. The world had suddenly stopped in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe the words that had slipped off her mouth. I couldn't lose my brother forever because he is locked up in an asylum. I couldn't lose another person close to me. I know Lydia was trying to talk to me because I heard a voice far in the distance but I just couldn't make a movement. I was paralyzed.

Out of nowhere I got the strength and I just ran off the school going directly to where I was thinking of.

I was going to Eichen House.

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