What next?

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A silence that will turn anyone insane.

What I just said wasn't the worst part. The worst part is waiting for a reaction.

The waiting is what could kill someone.

He is still looking at me. I don't know what his expression looks like because I can't bare to look at him. To see the disgust on his face. I knew this will happen. Why did I want to come here back again? Why didn't I just simply leave? To start all over without preoccupations.

Because I wouldn't be able to survive a minute all on my own, that is why.


I still didn't move.


I can't physically move because of the fear.

'Stiles, hey Stiles look at me.' His voice is delicate, like he is talking to a child.

I don't want his pity, I don't want anyone's pity. But I just need someone to hold me and protect me from everything, but of course that would be a lot to ask from someone, and I am enough burden as it is. You can see how everyone looks so tired now a days. All because of me. What have I done?

If I wasn't here then none of this would have happened? If I wasn't here it would be a weight off their shoulders, I guess it be better i-

'Stiles.' He grabs my face and turns it towards him, his touch feeling uncomfortable because all I want to do is go to a room that is dark, lock the door and stay there forever. Where no one can touch me, see me or talk to me.

'We will get through this, I told you. Everything is going to be alright.' But is not though. I am doomed forever.

'How can you be so sure.' He is way calmer than I thought he would be, is like he is in a pacific state despite what I just told him. It's a living nightmare but he looks alright. I don't get it.

'Because I am your dad and I know this kind of things.'

'What kind of things?' This is reminding me of those talks at the hospital when I was little.

'About life, no matter how hard the situation may look like, at the end it will get better, and if not at least a bit easier.'

I looked at him for the first time since I told him the truth.

I looked at him straight in the eyes and I couldn't hold it any longer. A tear slowly made it down my cheek and fell into my lap. I hugged him.

I don't know what I would do without him.

If he was talking to me, I didn't hear it, I was to engulfed in the hug.

Suddenly I hear the telephone ring. I swear it was really late, so who would be calling at this time of the night. I got out of his embrace as he got up and walked towards the kitchen to answer the phone.

I could just hear his end of the conversation but it seemed serious.

It was only seconds later though when he entered the living room once again.

'It's Scott.'

I stand up as quick as possible and walk to the kitchen. I pick up the phone.



'What happened? Is everything alright?' Scott's urgency makes me worry.

'I mean nothing major happening right now but we need to meet as soon as possible to discuss our plans.'

'Plans for what?'

'To destroy Theo's pack.'

'What do I do?'

'Right now I need you to come to the pet clinic. There is a lot you need to know. You need to catch up.'

'Ok...ok I will be there as soon as I can.'


Scott hangs up. I look down at the phone in my hand. Am I really ready to just go and fight people? What if something bad happens?

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder which makes me jump and turn around quick to see is my dad. 'If you need a way to go, the jeep is still available. I picked it up from Eichen House a while ago.'

That's when I noticed the sadness in his eyes, or maybe it isn't sadness, maybe is admiration, or a kind of love, or he is just happy that I am here.

Whatever it is, I smiled a bit, I smiled for the first time after so long. It felt weird, but it felt good. For the first time I feel kind of good with myself. The sad thing is, I know is not going to last forever.

'The keys are by the door.' He said pointing towards it.

'Thanks.' I say and step forward to hug him once more.

We detach from one another and I walk towards the exit. Indeed the keys where there.

Stepping outside there it is. I don't know if it because the sun is starting to appear and there is more light. Because when I got here I totally didn't see it. I mean I wasn't paying attention to a lot of things as I was overwhelmed with panic.

I close the door behind me and I go towards the blue jeep.

I gently touch the door and the windows. Is it possible to love a car so much?

Then I remember that Scott told me to hurry up.

I quickly enter the car and turn the engine on.

I put music on, not wanting my thoughts to overwhelm me. Or for him to start talking to me.

As soon as I get there, I get out as fast as I can, almost falling down.

I enter the clinic, the bell ringing when I open and close the door.

Once inside I find that everyone else, including Deaton is here.

Scott was the one to speak.

'Stiles, we need to fill you up in everything that has happened while you were gone.'


Bare with me while I have to go and watch season 5 once again to know the details. :/

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