Lost in the dark

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After that I don't remember what happened. I've lost the passing of time. I don't know how long has it been or what is going on right now.

I feel lost.

All I'm able to see is darkness.

Only darkness.


I can't feel anything which confuses me even more and it terrifies me. I don't know what's happening and I hate that feeling.

I don't know how much time passed but next thing I know I'm awake trying to go away from the lights that came from the ceiling.

I'm so confused that for a moment I didn't even know where I was. I felt trapped. By then everything came into my mind, Eichen House, voices, needles.

Immediately I felt disturbed and horrified by the thought of needles. Just trying to think what could have been inside that thing gives me chills.

Then I look around me and I notice that I was on a room on Eichen House. But I was strapped down into the bed which i think it's kind of unnecessary because of the sedative.

I started to freak out because I was terrified and I couldn't do anything because of the straps. I was trapped. Defenseless.

I'm trying to think of a way to somehow get control over things but my mind is full of thoughts that is all messing up in my brain.

I think I'm totally getting out of my mind.

I don't have control anymore of how much time has passed since I've walked up in this room. Alone.

With my ADHD I've started to shake a little bit from not being able to move. Not even a little bit.

I feel totally trapped and alone. For the first time in my life I feel totally alone and scared.

Not for anyone but for myself.

I know that if I'm kept here I will totally go insane.

I don't know how much time passed but I started hearing whispers but this time was different.

I could barely hear them though I was able to take notice of some of their words. They were hateful words. Each one of them kept saying the same over and over and they wouldn't stop.

"Kill Them"

"Get Up!"

"They Don't Need You"


"Listen to Us"

"Come on"

"Follow us"

"A knife"

"You know where right"

"They need to Suffer"

I wanted them to stop but nothing I would do worked.

I started to struggle in the restraints trying to get away from all the whispering. I tried screaming but no one listened to me. No one.

I am terrified. I feel miserable and weak. Maybe I am.

Seconds passed before I felt the door open and someone came in with once again a needle.

But this time it didn't feel like a sedative because it was stronger. It worked almost immediately because next thing I know darkness stars taking over.

One thing kept passing through my thoughts.

What's happening to me?

broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now