They're Gone

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I feel the air struggling to enter my lungs. Everything is whirling around me. I know I'm loosing consciousness but I can't let him win this one.

I grab his arm to try to snatch it away from me. He has a lot of force I'm not going to lie. I feel myself turning.

Eyes going red.

Claws coming out.

I felt like I almost had him off of me when, forcefully he was pulled backwards.

I turn back to see what had caused this. To my surprise I find no other but Theo. But I just can't believe what's in front of me.

Theo is holding Josh by the neck. I didn't have that much to time to react before Theo had his claws deep inside Josh's stomach. You can physically see the electricity from his body slowly moving its way towards Theo.

This can't be possible.

Is he taking his power?

How is Theo capable of doing such thing?

Seconds later, Josh drops dead to the floor. I look at his body just laying in front of Theo's feet. He just killed a part of his pack deliberately. My heart is beating faster and all I can do is think to myself, 'You can't act weak, not right now'.

I never look up at Theo until he starts to speak.

'We meet again.' He smiles what would look like an innocent smile to anyone else, but I know the he is faking it. He has faked everything.

'You left last time.' I tell him, the sound of the rain making it harder to hear myself talking.

'I didn't leave. I warned you. I warned you that we,- more like I, am more powerful than you.'  His face changed to a more stern look. The rain making everything seem even more tense than it is.

'Why did you kill him?' I said pointing at Josh's body on the ground.

'It was a necessity of mine that you don't need to worry about right now.' He kicked Josh's body slightly as too exaggerate that his no longer part of this story.

'Why don't you instead, go inside and take care of your other problems?' He continued with a smirk plastered in his face.

He is a very annoying person to deal with.

'What do you mean by that?' I ask him trying to get him to spill the truth but it was obvious he wasn't going to break that easily.

'Your pack Scott.

I won't do anything.

Trust me. Just go. '


We were waiting for Scott to come back but he didn't. He started to talk to someone when suddenly the sound of a door being roughly closed is heard. We all turned to each other as if someone knew anything about what was happening but everyone is clueless as the rest. Malia started to walk towards the door so she could get out to inspect what made the noise when her eyes shine a bright blue.

She is pushed back by someone who tried to attack her with claws...


Liam goes out to help her but Tracy was faster and scratched Malia's leg with her claws. Liam stops abruptly where he was and looks at Tracy. Malia slowly falls to the floor grabbing her leg.

Kanima Venom.

She tried to resist it but she wasn't able to before she fell to the floor like a puppet.

Tracy starts to built up energy to attack Liam when from out of nowhere Scott comes and tackles her to the floor.

Nobody dared to enter the confrontation, to scared to be paralyzed by her venom.

Tracy tried to scratch Scott but he was able to grab her wrist before she made any contact with him.

Punches were thrown here and there while the rest were locked in place just staring at the scenes in front.

'Why are you not doing anything to help? What are you that scared?'

My anger levels starts to rise. He always has to come in the most unnecessary moments. I'm not scared of Tracy, I'm scared of myself. If I do something I would probably do something that would break the last strand of me and Scotts's friendship. But at the same time I can't just stand here and watch him struggle.

'You know what? I heard Theo's conversation with Scott. Theo killed Josh.'

Theo is here? Isn't Josh part of his pack? Why would he do such a thing?

'Just know that sometimes the sinful are punished.'

I was going to try and think of a meaning to his words. When the door is opened and Theo enters, immediately tearing Scott and Tracy apart. He throws Scott to the floor and grabs Tracy's shoulders. Tracy seemed very confused by his actions. I think everyone is. Suddenly all that could be heard was her screams. Screams of agony. Slowly killing her was Theo's claws deep inside in her stomach. Theo seemed to be enjoying it, taking her life away as if it didn't matter.

Everyone is taken back by this, Scott seems more worried than anything else. He just sits there where he fell on the floor.

Nothing about this whole situation makes sense to me. Theo's plan was to build a pack if I'm not mistaken but he's now got rid of everything he's done.

Tracy's body falls to the floor with no care at all. A loud thud as it hits the ground. Her eyes still wide open. This is something I never wanted to live ever again. It triggers memories from previous encounters.

Theo looks down at Tracy for a few moments, his heavy breathing could be heard from every part of the room. He sighs and then starts to leave. Nobody does anything to stop him, however there's no actual reason to that. Scott is the first one to react and instantly picks himself up and runs after him. Seeing this, everyone else starts to follow him, me being the last one to stay in the room. Once everyone had gone after him I stand up and go outside, the rain sounding louder than it did before, water slowly drenching me.

Now that I'm outside I can see Scott trying to talk to Theo who's showing his back to him. The rest are behind Scott, standing in a defensive position. It wasn't very prominent but I could see Theo was shaking. Something was bothering him. I don't know if I'm the only that's noticing this but something's not right.

'No. no. no.' Theo whispered as if he was talking to someone.

'Please.' His voice starts to get more urgent.

Abruptly the ground starts to shake around Theo.


I like villains :)

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