Stay. Only for now...

814 30 15

'Im telling you. It's. Not. What. You. Think.' I try to look straight into his eyes so he believes me but all I can see is anger.

'Then what is it?' Scott practically yells at me. He is actually scaring me. He is scaring me because I know how this is going to end. I know him enough to know his way of thinking.

'Just let me explain. Please.' I beg Scott.

Scott seems hesitant. But I can see it in his eyes. His eyes show what he can't say out loud. He doesn't want any of this to be happening. He has a battle inside his mind, like the ones I have, and it's making him anxious.

'Okay...' He said silently, it seemed like he was saying it more to himself than at me.

'Whatever it is that you're thinking. You're right. But there's more to it okay? I am me right now. Can't you notice that?' I try to put a convincing tone, but I'm kind of failing as my voice doesn't want to cooperate with me and it just shows barely any emotion.

'You could easily be lying though just to come back and stab us from the back.' He said more serious without much hesitation.

Something's not going to end well I can feel it.

'Yeah. Yeah you're right.' I don't want to give up and make him think that it's over, because it's not. He has to trust me but at this point he is not letting anything convince him otherwise. Scott is one of those that trusts to many people easily but as soon as one of them betray him or do something that goes against his morals, he doesn't give them another chance. 'But I'm not doing that. Why would I do that? Why would I decide to do such thing?'

Scott didn't answer. At least not at first.
He looks to everyone else around the room, as if he's looking for an answer, an answer no one can give him. Because I'm right. There's no reason for me or the nogitsune to go against him at this moment in our lives. There's no answer to my question.

So I continue.

'You have to trust me on this one, please? I know that you know he's here, but if you want to understand, then you will. As long as you're willing to comprehend, everything will be easier.'

I am starting to shake, afraid of being in this situation once again. The worst part being that there's no one controlling me, if he denies me then he is denying the real me...

It would mean he doesn't like me at all...

I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't blame any of them for leaving me...

It's just I...don't want that to happen because, what would happen then?

'I just- there's nothing to understand, ...we've been in this situation before and I can't risk it again...' He's struggling to speak, obviously on the verge of crying. To be honest, I don't know for how long I can keep trying to be strong because on the inside I'm scared and I just want to hide away from all these emotional pain.

'I won't let this happen again.' He said.

My heart broke.

'Scott. Just once more, let me prove it to you that I'm not lying. That I'm saying the truth. Please? Trust me on this one...' I practically begged, tears threatening to fall down.

'There's nothing-.... I mean-....'

'At least let me help you one more time.' I cut his struggles.


'I can help you defeat Theo and then I'll do whatever you tell me to do...' I didn't want to say that but it was the only option that would maybe let me stay for a little bit longer so that Scott can see that I'm not lying. The thing is, I don't want to fight anyone. Even worse if it's Theo and his pack. I don't even know how to fight...

'I-... I guess we could use some help...'

'Are you crazy!' Yelled a voice coming from the left.


'If what I have heard isn't wrong, he almost killed you last time. And you're just going to let him come with us?'

'Liam. I know what you've heard, I know what happened. But you know Theo. He is way stronger than most of us. With more people we would have more chances of defeating them.' Scott said finally looking away from me, now looking at Liam as if he is a little kid.

Liam looks like he wanted to say something against Scott's statement but instead he stays quiet. Maybe because of the tense environment that has started to develop in the room, mostly around me and Scott.

Everyone else doesn't know what to do or say. Instead they decided to stay quiet for this. That made everything more intense, the fact that everyone is listening to this conversation but not having a say in it.

Scott sighs before talking once again. 'Fine. You can help, but don't even try and pull out a trick against us or you'll regret it.' He basically threatens me.

Never in my life would I have thought that Scott would threaten to practically do something against me. I'm not even going to go against them because...I'm me. No matter how bad this situation is looking at the moment, I'm not possessed. I wouldn't harm any of them on purpose. I know everything that has happened before could contradict my point but It doesn't. Why? Because now I'm starting to understand. The way Scott talks to me, as if he despises me, has made me more sensible about the fact that the nogitsune isn't the one in total control of everything I do.
I wish I could try and put some sense on Scott but it would end in me yelling back at him. He would take those actions as the nogitsune's actions.

There's no way I'm winning this argument.

He has made up his mind.

I wish he hadn't. I wish he could take everything back and that we could act as we did on those first years since we met.

Running around, not having a care in the world.

I didn't notice I was thinking for a little longer than I thought or that I had started to look down at the floor unconsciously until I heard someone cough in front of me. I look up to Scott, he seems more intimidating than he did before. With a serious expression on his face he said a sentence I will never get out of my mind.

'And listen to me clearly. As soon as we defeat Theo and his pack. You have to be gone, or I will have to do something about it. I don't want to see you again.'

I'm starting to act like teen wolf producers and writers. I just never give him a break. :/

Also. I've written 30 parts. How? Is that a good thing?

broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now