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Scott's POV

On my way to Eichen House my mind was in the middle of a storm. I have so many things to think about but the one that was more important to me was that I had to help my best friend, my brother.

We've past so many things together so I couldn't let this slip away, I could not let him slip away from us, from life.

I feel so guilty for not trying harder to reach him and be there for him on his most difficult moments.

I remember those nights when we were eight and he would stay at the hospital to look after his mom. I was always there to support him.

I can't understand what went wrong. Why didn't I do the same this time.

He was always there for me when my father left the house.

I can't think of one thing straight. I don't know what I'm supposed to do when I get there. And if I see him what would I tell him. I didn't know what to do before but now that I may have a chance to be there for him I don't know what to do.

Then i saw Eichen House. I was here.

Stiles POV *hours before*

While my dad was on his shift, as he always is. I grabbed my keys for my jeep and left the house. I didn't grab anything else. Even if I did i could not have them if I was inside.

Quietly I went down the road on my way there.

I still have this kind of buzzing in my head and I hear people whispering every time.

Is this constant torture that I can't stop. Biting want it to stop.

There were times where time will fly by. But to me it felt like minutes.

I was losing control over time, control over myself.

I don't know if this is all real, that on one moment I will wake up and everything will be fine.

But it seems that this is so much that it feels real, maybe it is.

I'm trying so hard to concentrate on driving but I hear him saying "Let me in.." and I keep shivering.

No! He isn't real, he's gone. Right?

Maybe I am going crazy. I think I completely lost it.

I got there so I left the jeep there wondering what would happen to it. But I left that thought and entered the building.

I got inside and they knew who I was so when I told them that it was better if I was here. They simply agreed. Even though I didn't know why.

I still felt this guilty inside for leaving my dad but I couldn't live with myself, then how was I supposed to be there for him.

We were walking down an aisle when everything started getting dizzy and the whispering got louder.

The assistant noticed it and ask me what was happening.

I was at a lost of words. I just wanted the voices to stop saying things, just be quiet.

I brought my hands to my ears and yelled at the voices but they obviously don't care at what I say.

The woman that was with me started to call people to come.

When they came they grabbed me by the arms and lead me into an empty room. They started to do things around me but I couldn't take notice of anything happening around me.

I tried moving around but I couldn't move that's when I noticed that I was on a bed restrained to it.

Then i saw glimpses of what I think was a needle.

I tried to get away from it tried to listen to what they were saying but the voices were getting louder throwing words at me. But i was the only one that heard them.

Then I felt a needle on my arm and everything started to fade away and darkness began to took over.

That's when I knew what was happening.

A sedative.

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