What are you talking about?

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He didn't even let me process what he said when he started talking again.
'Do you know what you are?'
There was a moment of silence before I processed he had said something towards me.
'What do you mean? What are you on about?' I replied still confused out of my freaking mind.

He started laughing with a grin on his face.
I stared at him just wishing I could do something about it and just get rid of that stupid smile of his off his stupid face. Why can't he talk properly, he just keeps dropping hints which at this point is getting to my nerves. He continues to say more things every minute leaving me more confused as the seconds pass.
'Oh Stiles, Stiles, Stiles. Do you really don't know? Where have you been all this time! You've missed the most exciting part of our story!
You know what, don't worry. I am here now and I'll tell you everything.'
He stopped talking and started to pace from left to right in a same line in front of me.
I feel my heart beating too fast. My brain still hasn't processed the sentence he said minutes ago. I think I'm trying to forget or maybe it's just phase one: denial.
I heard something related to death and a certain person I've been with my whole life. That kind of sentence should never be said. It just doesn't go well together. It was meant to be us two forever, together. But now I can't even say his name because all I remember is the disappointment in his face.
That kind of disappointment that holds so much hate behind it.

That's when it all came crashing down on me.
Like all the weight of the world fell on top of me.
He was dead.
I've never wanted to hear those words, not even in my mind. When did our lives become all this? Why us of all people?
That's when I remembered there was someone standing right in front of me all this time. Someone I still couldn't quite understand.
I looked straight at him.
"You still haven't told me what you meant by 'do you know what you are'."
He stopped pacing. He was facing to the left. He oe turned around and took a deep breath. Theo started talking quite sadly which surprised me.
'You are missing the main part of this tragedy. You've been out for a while. Basically, I want a pack. And you're help me. You'll join me. We will be togethe-'

'Stop! Stop alright. I can't stand you just talking around things. Tell me right now what you really meant by that!' I noticed I started to yell but I didn't care. It's been too long and he still doesn't give an answer to any of my questions.

He sighed.
'Fine. You are part chimera. You are one of us now.'


broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now