A new start? Or worst?

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Some minutes later I keep walking straight ahead as it was the only way I saw that supposedly would lead me somewhere outside of this horrible place that I know for a fact that is gonna be stuck in my mind for ever. I really don't know anything that is going on right now as there's not a sound around me to know that there's someone on the area which is good but worrying at the same time.
Somehow I find this strange looking door that I hope that is a way out or a way to get to the exit.
I slowly open it cringing at the sound it makes while opening which if  there's someone in here he would know that I'm trying to get out.
When I open it what I immediately see is a long hallway which would definitely be seen in a horror movie.
I slowly walk across it hoping for the best.
When I get to the other end I see that I am actually outside.
I still don't know where this place is located or where to go from now on.
But I feel just a sparkle of hope and happiness inside that tells me that now everything might be alright for once.
I see what the outside looks like.
Dark sky. Dark clouds. And a deep forest.
I keep going forward as I fear that if I just go anywhere I might get lost more than I am already.
Even though I feel like I'm finally out of the worst I have yet to witness. I still feel like is not over, I feel like something is really wrong with all of this.
Throughout the whole walk through the forest I keep having these thoughts about what if these is just all inside my imagination and I haven't really escaped at all. Everything is just really confusing to me and is starting to affect me a lot.
I want someone to tell me that everything is fine and it will be okay but I just see around me and see pure darkness and an infinite amount of trees and I get more depressed.
With everything that's been going on since the...the...the nogitsune and now all this. When is everything just going to end?!
I want to scream so badly but as I keep walking for I don't know how long all my energy is almost gone.
I want to stop but if i do then how do I know I will be safe.
I keep feeling this sensation that there's someone behind me watching me. I can basically feel someone eyes burning my back as I keep walking.
The air is freezing and I'm just wearing a thin jumper which doesn't help at all.
I can hear the crickets not far away from me.
But all I can do is keep going.
As I keep walking I start seeing a dim light far away but I can't make from where it comes from.
As I get a little bit closer I see the shadow of what seems a person like figure. Somehow I feel a little bit better.
I get a little bit closer but I stop as I start feeling this feeling as if everything is just going to fall apart right now.

broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now