Is it real?

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I didn't want to get any closer but I just knew that there wasn't anything else for me to do at this moment. I walked slowly towards what seem like a him.
When I finally was able to see clear I just get my world stop. I wanted to run but my feet were glued to the floor and I wasn't able to move at all.
Standing metres away from me was no other but Theo.
I've heard of him. Apparently he's all charm and good. But jut by seeing the way he stands I know he's not that good at all. I've seen through social media how everyone apparently loves him and trusts him. But something tells me that I shouldn't do that.
I never trusted him since the day I heard of him and there's no way I would now. Even if me and Scott are not as close as before I can't use that as an excuse to turn to Theo's side and become friends with him. Never.
However, I saw that he wasn't facing my way. He was looking the other way. I felt some hope that maybe I can slowly walk away. But then again I just wasn't physically able to do so. Or maybe is something more of the mind....but...I really don't know at the moment.
I can't think clearly because if I'm completely honest.
I'm scared.
But for a reason I'm not scared just for myself this time. But also for everyone I ever knew.
I feel like something bad is going to happen.
And Theo being here has to be some sort of prove to my point.
I was just thinking about all this that I forgot that he was still in front of me. And that he was a chimera worth supernatural powers.
That's when I came back to reality and I saw him turning around.
A grin in his face. Like can this guy just stop with the act. He can fool whoever he wants but not me.
"Hello Stiles" He said.
I was shocked by hearing his voice. I'm not profesional detective or anything but I know that the tone of his voice resembles the one of a serial killer.
I wasn't able to respond. I didn't know what to say to him. I never knew the guy in person what am i supposed to say. 'Hi' like if I knew him all my life. Or say something like 'hello...' and make myself more inferior than how I feel right now.
"I can tell you know who I am" He continued.
I didn't answer.
"Come on Stiles. You don't have to be afraid. I'm here to be your friend. Your companion."
I couldn't believe the words he was saying. Like in what world would I be friends with him, or someone I don't even know.
I wanted to yell at him to just stop talking and to leave me alone.
But again I couldn't. And I just wanted to hit myself like really, how incapable am I?
"I know that this past hours have been rough but now I'm here."
As soon as he said that I froze completely from head to toe.
How on earth does he know that?
"I know right now you don't feel weird. But things are gonna get difficult from now on."
I have no idea what he's talking about.
I just want him to leave me alone. Why can nobody leave me alone?
"I don't know what you're talking about" I finally said.
I didn't even feel those words come out of my mouth. I wasn't able to do anything in so long I didn't think I would at all.
"You're now one of us" He said with a smirk on his face.
"Who's us?" I asked.
I'm finally able to keep a sort of normal conversation between two people. But I don't think I want to be in this conversation.
"You're now part of my pack" He said.
I couldn't take this anymore.
"Can't you talk in more detail!" I snapped at him.
He looked shocked for a second but then started grinning even more.
What is wrong with this guy?!
"Don't you know? Haven't you heard? Of all the things that have been happening in Beacon Hills? I guess you haven't since you don't even get out of your room. Am I right?
I can tell you a little if you want. The nemeton is alive once more. He supernatural is everywhere. Some can take it and become stronger but others....weren't meant for it I guess..." He finished talking glancing for some time at the ground.
I don't know what it was about this action that sent my brain into a spiral of thoughts.
I had to ask. "What do you mean by some?"
He looked at me straight in the eyes and said some words that I didn't want to think deep about them.
"Well there was someone who used to go to our school. He...well...was part of the supernatural and I guess...he just couldn't take too much connection to the nemeton and he just died."
There was something about the way he spoke that just seem off. But a part of me started to believe him, I don't know what it was.
It was as if a part of my soul felt some sort of connection towards him.
I didn't like it one bit.
A part at the back of my mind had to ask an important question that was tugging inside me.
"What was his name?" I asked quite shyly.
His eyes looked at me with a strong look. His face was almost straight but I think I saw a bit of a smirk trying to come out but maybe it was just my imagination.
However, I was not ready for the name that came out of his lips.
"He's dead. Scott McCall is dead."

Finally!! It's been so long. I'm really sorry about that. But we're back!

Thanks to nogitsune419 for sending some ideas that I used in this chapter. If you have any ideas send them to me. Everything helps. :)

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