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Stiles P.O.V

I felt different. Like I wasn't myself anymore.

I knew it was me but at the same time it didn't.

This confused me a lot and as their time passed it continued to do so.

But there was definitely something wrong with me. I could feel it deeply inside of me almost nonexistent, but it was there, I was sure of that.

It felt like madness and anger in a way I've never felt before.

It was like I knew that I should stop it from spreading, I just didn't know what I had to stop exactly.

I tried remembering what had happened before but I didn't even know how much time had passed.

I remembered the feeling of a needle and a strange fluid.

Then it is when I notice I wasn't in the room I remembered. No, this was different, it was an unknown place. It looks like a part of a thriller movie. The whole floor is full of a weird dark fluid that looks like blood, but it can't be right?

Through the whole area I see different kind of tubes with bodies that have been changed in some strange way that it makes me shiver just thinking of any idea how. There's not much light on the room to see any further but there's shelves with old books and tables with tools I hope haven't been used in someone.

I don't know how much I kept looking at one tool that seemed to have blood on it when I heard footsteps and sounds of metal clicking. When I turned to look what it was panic started to rise inside me.

There were three odd looking figures coming forward but it was like an old TV screen where the image is distorted.

They kept coming forward. I wanted to move away to get further from them but I couldn't get myself to move, not even an inch.

In a blink of an eye there are right in front of me and the nearest one grabs me and pulls me up from where I was sitting down since I woke up. I am in too much of a shock that I didn't even notice it until I'm being shoved into a metal chair which had restrains on it. I try to get off their grasps but their too firm. They start to put the restraints roughly and their too tight that when i try to fight out of them is impossible. I can barely move with them on. Apart from the straps on my arms there's one for the chest and another on my forehead. All this make my anxiety spread faster and faster as each second passes. Because all this precaution meant that something really bad was going to happen.

I didn't even know who they were, what they wanted.

Hell, I didn't even know how I got here.


After they ended up "preparing me" as I put it 'because I don't know what they're doing at all.

They disappear from my view and for some reason that made me feel some relief as they being around made the environment much colder and strange in a way I've never get before.

But all that was snatched away as they suddenly came back with one of them holding something that at first I didn't recognize at all as my vision had started becoming blurry with fresh tears I didn't know where there. Apparently in all this commotion I started crying at some point but all of this is too much for me so I don't even know what I'm doing.

I blink so that I can see much clearer at what 'he' is holding. And then I start to panic like a lot!

Because that was a syringe and I'm afraid of needles but at the end I can bare them. But this was not a normal one this one was larger and had a strange liquid inside it that I don't want to know what it does.

It was a silver colored liquid that I know it's not meant to go inside the human blood.

The one holding it starts getting closer and closer and it's like the time gets slower.

I try to get as far away from it but the restraints are doing a great job at keeping me still.

Then I feel the tip of the needle on my neck and I knew that it was going on a vein. I see 'him' or it start to put pressure on the syringe and that's when I feel the strange liquid go inside me. I wanted to scream so badly but for some strange reason I wasn't able to do it.

'He' ended up pushing all of its content inside the vein and then somewhere in the meantime of my shock they disappeared and I was left there on my own staring at nothing thinking of nothing. I don't know what was happening to me. I felt something happening inside me and I wanted to cry, to scream, to do something. I can't. I don't know why, I just can't. It's like I want to rip something apart but I'm not able to move. I can't feel anything; I can't think of anything. I just feel emptiness.

I feel void.

broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now