Sometimes is just too much

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If you haven't gathered it yet by the title, which is pretty clear to be honest, or by reading my comment on the previous chapter this, is in fact in Scotts point of view which I used to do a long time ago, and I just noticed I've written all of this in one sentence without using full stops :)

I still haven't used one



I don't know why I said what I said.

To be honest I never meant to say that.

I panicked and I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do because how are you supposed to decide what's best for so many people in just one moment.

I would never say this out loud but having to be the one that decides the fate of your closest friends is way too much pressure. But no one would understand that because they are the ones that are depending on me.

I tried to think clearly but with so many people surrounding me my brain didn't think logically. I just don't know what to make about this situation. So many dreadful things happen one after the other without any rest.

It's a lot to take in at once.

I look down at Stiles who looks so hurt and my heart breaks at the thought that I made this happen. But I just told him that I didn't want him and if I speak now saying that he shouldn't leave; then I'll be contradicting myself and confusing the rest. Or maybe all these emotions are just confusing me.

Then I hear a small voice say something, however, I couldn't quite hear what exactly it is that it said.

'What?' I ask at no one in particular before Stiles spoke up.

'Fine. I'll leave...just, let me help you...' He spoke as if he were afraid of what I'm going to do.

What have I done?

I should be helping all of them, not hurting them. And why would he agree? He has to know that I didn't mean it, right? Or was I to straight forward? Did I say it in an intimidating tone? Was I too serious?

I wish you could turn back time and make sure I never said that to him.

I was going to say something to him before Malia cuts me off.

'Can we worry about Theo now? We need to act fast and we still don't know what to do.' I look at her, for a second I think I might have show that I was annoyed at her but I stopped myself. I look at everyone else, they all seemed to agree that we needed to discuss what we were going to do.

'Ok.' I say. A silence continues soon after that because in reality, I don't know what could we do to defeat Theo. He and his mind games can mess up a lot with me to the point that I don't even know what is his weak spot.

'Soo...' Malia said impatiently.

'! Do you have anything to-' I was cut off by a loud noise erupting from outside the animal clinic. Everyone has gone silence and is looking towards the door. I guess that's a sign that I should be the one to go and inspect the ringing sound that was coming from near the main entrance.

I turned and slowly move towards the exit trying to be as silent as possible, but knowing that something supernatural could be behind these noises would mean it's pointless.

Getting out of the back room and making my way to the lobby I could feel it. I know what's happening.

I open the main door to find nothing. The only thing that I notice is that it has started to rain. Everything is just so tense at the moment that I'm starting to lose awareness of a lot of things happening.

Where is my mum right now, is she okay?

The rain falls perfectly with my emotions right now. Everything is just crashing down and I'm starting to lose hope on any happy ending. Everything just seems so dark and gloomy.

Then it happens again.

The sound.

Now that I hear it again, its more like a screeching noise. Similar to nails screeching on a chalkboard. But there's no one near that I can sense. It must be the weather affecting my senses or is just my own thoughts bringing me down.

That's when I hear it. Someone's footsteps. The sloppy sound of shoes hitting mud.

Only one set of footsteps.

Looking at the dark sky I can imagine that a fight is approaching.

'Scott McCall.' I hear a male's voice coming from the left of the parking lot.

It's Josh.

'Isn't it a coincidence to find you here?' He says, obviously in a sarcastic way. He is trying to mock me, I can feel it. 'Oh. Are you alone?' He asks, faking to be surprised. I know he knows I'm not alone and I have a feeling he isn't either.

'What are you doing here?' I ask him, feeling the rain drops slide from my face.

'Let's not get rude shall we?' Josh grins. 'Can't we just have a little talk?'

'You want to talk?' I just want him to go away in all honesty.

Why does everything always have to turn this bad?

'Yeah man. You see I think we've started on the wrong terms here. You honestly think we are the bad guys when we're clearly not. We're not the ones you should be fighting against.'

'Is that right?' I say not convinced by any of the words he is saying. This is obviously all a set up, but for what?

'We're not here to harm you. In reality, we can help you guys.' He smiles. Nothing about his smile shows kindness nor is it welcoming. It is just plain creepy.

'After everything we've been through because of you and the others, you're telling me you're here to help us?' I challenge trying to get all these lies over.

Josh just looks at me with a smirk on his face.

Then a crash is hear from inside the animal clinic. Screams starting to echo throughout the building. I turn around to try and run inside before I feel an arm make it's way around my neck stopping me.

'Your time is over.'


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