What now?

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Time seemed to pass in a weird pace. Sometimes it felt that each minute was like an hour and sometimes everything moved to fast that it seemed like I was on a video at super speed.
I felt strange and for a weird reason I started to lose track of my thoughts. Is like I'm transforming into something else, something I shouldn't be.
Moments later I feel this power inside me I never thought I would feel in my entire life.
I felt more powerful in a way.
I don't know if I should be happy or slightly worried.
I can't think straight anymore because of all the sudden events that have been happening lately.
It all feels like a dream but I'm not sure if it really is all a dream made by my mind trying to cope with the past.
I just want it all to end for once and for all.
With the sudden force I had inside I tried my hardest to get out from the restraints.
I pull and pull and it finally gives in.
I stayed still for a moment to notice that I just broke some restraints like it wasn't nothing.
What the hell?
Since when can I do such thing?
After being still in shock for some more seconds I take a better look at my surroundings.
Even though there's a lot of fog, or smoke? I am actually able to see clear which confuses me even more.
I feel a strange feeling in the bottoms of my stomach like all of this is a set up.
They couldn't have just left me here for me to get out, right?
I don't know what to do or where to go as I just remembered I don't even know where I am.
I don't even know the way out.
I try some random path hoping that somehow I find a way out.

broken boy ❀ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now