We're enemies now.

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He likes it.
I don't.
He is feeding off all of this.
Or...I am.
My eyes must be betraying me. How the hell is this happening?
I thought he was gone but instead he's standing in front of me, looking more alive than what I thought he would be.
Well saying that, I did thought he was dead so.
Scott's eyes were filled of surprise, so was everyone else around him.
I mean, I left them for months and I'm now just randomly appearing now out of nowhere, with Theo.
I wasn't supposed to know who Theo was judging by their expressions.
Oh well.
Too late now I guess.
It wasn't Scott who spoke first.
It was Lydia.
But that wasn't what caught my attention at this point. I counted how many they were. They are five in total. All teenagers.
There's Scott, Lydia, Malia, and two other kids who I've never seen before. Where did the rest go?
'How are you here?' I asked directing my questions towards Scott, though it came out as if I was in disbelief about all of them.
'We could ask you the same.' It was Malia who spoke now. Until now Scott hasn't said a word, the only thing he has done is stare at me which I have to say is making everything more uncomfortable.

I could feel the moment Theo rolled his eyes as I could sense the boredom radiating off him. 'Ok. Ok. Ok. There's no time for these "welcome back" talks, alright. So stop. You're done for McCall. And all of your little pals.'

That made Scott react.
He stopped looking at me to turn towards Theo. He was ignoring me, but it was to be expected.
I was back just not on his side.
'Theo.' Scott basically growled at him. 'You need to stop with all this, we can work this out.'

I wanted to punch something...or someone. Why does Scott always tries to go the easy way out in every situation? He thinks that talking his way out is the solution. Well I'm tired of it.

I haven't spoken like that to anyone before, with such menace.

It feels liberating.

That made everyone flinch a little, except for Theo, Tracey, Josh and Corey.
Hayden just seemed nervous. There's something going on with her.

'Stop trying to solve everything. Like everything's just going to go your way because it's not.' I can't hear my voice like others can but I can definitely tell it's much lower than before.

'End him.'

He's saying something but it's still quite low and far away, I can't hear it clearly. Scott that had turned back to looking at me when I first spoke now looks like he wants to respond back but something is holding him back.

'Stop trying to be the saviour. Stop trying to save everyone.' I was letting all my anger that I've held up for so many years, all that anger I felt when my dad would drink every night, when Scott would ditch me, when Lydia ignored me, all those years of just lying to everyone. Let it all out.

'But Stiles, why...him?'


I hear his manic laughter.

'Aww, would you look at the little wolf, he actually speaks.'  I said.
The laughter is contagious, it really is. I couldn't help but laugh at Scott's stupidity. Soon after Theo and Tracy also joined in.

'Why do you even bother to show up, what can you do against us? Huh, tell me, enlighten us.'

'You can feel it right. The pain. The emotional pain everyone in front of you is radiating. It's delicious, don't you think. This is what we can have Stiles. The two of us together.'

'I can help you, we all can. Let us help you Stiles.' There it was again, Scott trying to solve everything with being the nice guy. I'm tired of his act.

Theo then entered the conversation. 'Scott, there's nothing to help. What are you gonna do, kill him, because that's the only way out.' He talked with a smirk on his face, a manic smirk.

'What do you mean by kill, what have you done?'
Scott was getting more desperate, it was obvious.

'I've done nothing Scott. Why would you think like that of me?
Ok, something did happen, but it wasn't me, it was the doctors.'

There's something I'm still missing because as soon as Theo said doctors they all froze. Doctors?
Are doctors evil now? Someone should really inform me of all of this. They started to look terrified, directing their eyes at me, examining me.

What the hell is going on?

'What...when?' Scott is stuttering, easy prey.

'When you left him. Or it was just bad luck I guess. This wouldn't have happened if you were there, instead I was the one who found him and helped him, what have you done, huh?
I could see the way those words hurt Scott.


'You aren't his friend, I am.' That made me flinch, flinch in anger if it's possible.

The last sane part of me was screaming that it never was Scott's fault, he tried to get to me, I was the one to ignore him. This all happened because of me and my ignorance. I was too down into my thoughts I forgot about everyone else, and how I was affecting them.

But he overtook.
He changed everything. Suddenly I don't feel that bad for Scott. He left me. He didn't even try. And now look where it's lead me. I never wanted to be a supernatural creature and now because of him look where I am.
I can't believe him. He was supposed to be my best friend, who would understand my ideals, i guess not. Or he's just a failure, seeing as he couldn't be a good friend at all. He deserves what's coming at him. I'm making sure of it, making sure it hurts him.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I wanted to see someone get hurt. I needed to see them hurt.

I just let everything go and let him take over.


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