Mirror Armor

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Six was still in the infirmary after being poisoned.
His body sore and inflamed, after feeling his chest pulse back and forth his breathing heavy he closes his eyes just to get some sleep while he can.
He was just happy to be in his armor again, no more of his humanity on show for everyone to see.

Closing his eyes he felt the chill of his armors cooling gel on his sick body.
When he awoke, 3 days had passed and his chest moved freely breathing back and forth he picked himself up and pushed himself off of the stone bed, looking at the room he was In he noticed plants hung to the ceiling and walls, noticing that incense was lit and that there was paper lights hung up.

"I didn't know elites used paper lights."
Six said to himself in confusion.

"They do not."
A feminine voice said from behind six, causing him to quickly turn around and face the figure.

Looking at the figure, Six realized it to be a Spartan, it looked like a Spartan 4, but Six couldn't tell She was to disciplined, and around his height.

Sitting quietly the Spartan faced Six laying her hand out in an open position, gesturing him to sit at her small table.

Six noticed this and forced himself to sit at her table, this Spartan was different from the others Noble Six had never seen armor like hers, it looked like Samurai Armor, but different, it had mirrors across the whole body.

"May I ask who you are?"
Six questioned respectfully, something about this Spartan made Six want to be on his best behavior.

"Thank you for your asking, I am Chi respectfully a spartan 4."

Six looked at the table and noticed a small bottle of wine.
Chi looked at Six and began pouring him a small cup of the wine.

"It is vanilla rice wine, a traditional drink of my family."

Six blankly stared at the cup of wine for a few seconds, not wanting to offend Chi, he gently took the small cup.

"Thank you for the wine."
Six said quietly.

Chi noticed Six's resistance to taking off his helmet, and decided to remove hers first.
As she removed her helmet a burst of oxygen left her mask, and her visor changed from a pale soulless white to a light grey.
Six's eyes grew wide as the most beautiful Asian woman he'd ever seen showed her face to him.
Her hair was neck length, and Jet black, her eyes a gorgeous brown with long eyelashes.

Six coughed into his hand and scratched the back of his helmet.
"I guess I have to take my helmet off too huh?"

"If you would, please do."

Six huffed.

Six took his helmet off with a sprrt of oxygen and showed his face to chi, quickly picking up the cup of wine and drinking it.

Taking a couple sips Six realized just how strong this wine was, and drank as much as he could grabbing the bottle and refilling his cup when it was empty.

"I see you enjoy my wine, I made it myself."
Chi said with a chuckle.

Six's face was flushed red but he was only buzzed, not drunk.

"Thanks for the wine, this is the best I've felt in days."
Six responded with a small slurr.

"When did you get to sanghilios, I thought I and my fire team were the only Spartans sent to the peace conference."

"I was sent as an emissary from Oni, there are more Spartans on there way here as we speak."

Just then Six heard someone opening the door to the infirmary quickly putting his Titanium helmet back on, and standing up in a defensive position, he would not get taken by surprise again.

As the door opened, in walked Tevva who saw Six with the beautiful Spartan, she couldn't help but get jealous.

"Oh uh Six I see you are with another woman, I am glad to see you awake, my sister has been worried about you for days."
Tevva said through slightly gritted mandibles.

Tievva walked in to see Six with the Spartan aswell, and decided to give the Asian Spartan an angry glance.

Tievva spoke.
"I see you found Chi, She got here a few days ago,
Lucky for us she knows herbal remedies, for both human and Sanghilli, she's been healing your for the past 3 days."

Six looked at the Spartan, and nodded his head in appreciation.
"Thanks for the help.

"Anything for Noble Six."

Taken aback by her acknowledgment of his rank Six decided to walk out of the infirmary, and look for Lord Hood.

A few moments of walking later Six came across a few marines that wanted to make sure he was doing well.
"Hey Six how you been mate!"
One marine said.

"Yeah last time we saw you, you were pale as a ghost, and laying on the ground."

"I'm fine, where's Lord Hood?"
Six responded.

"He should be in a meeting with your AI,
Sves Veduma, and Reth Veduma

Six was wondering why he felt more peaceful it's because no one was there to annoy him, he had some quiet.
And so he decided to walk towards the conference room, to find Lord Hood, and his AI, Six was resting for three days straight, three days to long by his opinion.

Author note:

I'm back.

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