The horror movie

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Six continued walking with Lord hood into the Keep only to be met up with by a group of marines trying to start rumors.
"Six! I heard you got a new AI what's its name!"

"Yeah I heard it was a sexy female AI too."
Another marine said loudly causing some other marines to turn and face the spartan.

"Yeah I got an AI her names Vorrina."
With that said six moved the marines too the side and walked off

"Well they sure are riled up aren't they hehe"
Vorrina said to the spartan with a chuckle

As six was walking back to Tevva's chambers he noticed she was already up and walking around

"Ahh spartan you are awake I was just looking for you."

"Oh? Were you?"

"would you please join me for breakfast?"

Six closed his eyes for a moment about to say no when Vorrina intervened and spoke through his headset.

"He'd love too!"

Tevva looked at the spartan and cocked her head the way elites do when they are confused.

"Excuse me but was that a females voice?"

"Yeah I just got a new AI she's a bit ANNOYING."
Six put emphasis on the annoying part and Vorrina felt the sting.

"Oh come on Six, live a little."
Vorrina said making six roll his eyes.

"Anyway let us get going to the dinning hall."

With that said the two left to the dinning hall and sat at the same table together
As another table was loaded with marines all chatting."

"So six how has your stay at my Keep been?"

"It's been alright could've been better what with the assassins and stuff."
Six responded nonchalantly

"Oh true, besides that it's been good. Excellent."

Just then six over heard the marines speaking.

"Come on phill it's scary movie night tonight go ask him and his girlfriend if he wants to join us."

"Alright, alright I'll ask him."

"Hey Six! You uh wanna watch a movie with us later? Tevva you can come too."
The marine asked kinda nervous.

Six watched as Tevva stopped eating her Colo and turn to face the marine then Noble Six.

"I have always wanted to see a movie! Can we see it Six!"
Tevva asked waiting for Six's permission with sparkles in her eyes.

Six wanted to say no but couldn't refuse Tevva.
"Fine well watch the movie."

The marine said in response.

"I'll tell the guys!"

Just then Tievva walked in yawning.
"There you are Spartan."

"Your very popular with the ladies huh Six."
Vorrina said with a smirk.

"I was looking for you two."

"Oh hey Tievva"
The marine said
"You wanna come too?"

"Come where?"
She asked curiously.

"Were going to see a movie later in the main lobby where the marines are kept, Six's coming too you wanna join us?"

"I would love to."
The elite responded excitedly clapping her hands.

"Then looks like we got our selves an audience."
The marine said with a chuckle.

The marine then walked back to his table and told his friends about the plans who all cheered and patted his back.

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