Sand steps

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Tevva was leading the group to the plateaus only door with a line of elite honor guards on each side
And two blocking the door

"We have arrived with our guests."

"Do you wish to allow them passage?"
"Yes they are to be given passage throughout the entire keep."

"Understood commander Tevva."
The elite said as he opened the metal door into the large sandstone structure
"This way."
Tevva said waving for the group to follow.
Six was the first to step inside and was quite surprised at how bright it was inside
It had carpeting and many statues of sangheili
Across the walls and a lot of designs built in

"How old is this keep."
One of the Spartans asked

"Almost 6178 years now."
The entire groups mouths dropped
A building as old as this still in perfect condition and in use
That's unheard of on earth.
Six continued looking around at the marvel
It was incredible..... the architecture being so ancient
And kept so pristine.

Walking past more statues the group spotted some marines with sunglasses one was carrying a green suitcase
A portable laptop most likely

The marine with the brief case continued walking past The group while the other stopped ahead of them And spoke

"So the party's finally arrived. Took you long enough"

Lord Hood took a few steps forward
"Good to see your doing well Srg Purrez"

"Likewise sir now I have many task to attend to and I can't kick back and drink a cold one even if I wanted to."

The marine said as he walked off
Allowing the group to continue forward

"Now this is where the restrooms are."
Tevva said opening a metal door to a bathroom.

"If you need to go now is the time....."

Immediately all the diplomats including lord hood walked into the bathroom

"They've been enduring their pains to go I assume.
But what about you demons?"

"We're good our suites allow us to go at any time."
One of the Spartans said causing Iris to cringe

"Hmmm you demons are quite strange."

Tevva looked at the Spartans and on closer inspection realized the difference in height
Compared to Six and the others.....


Tevva said making six stare at the elite under his helmet in question

"Nothing." Tevva said looking away.

Six raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything
As the team waited the bathroom door opened and the diplomats all walked out.....

"That was.... quite the experience..."
Lord Hood said slightly red with embarrassment

"Let us continue then, if no one else needs to relieve themselves."

As they began walking Phillip decided to open his mouth

"I did not go yet."
The entire group turned to look at the pathetic individual
Who had a serious look on his face.....

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