The West Wing

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Arriving at the west wing

As 6 approaches the briefing room
He is stopped  midway by a
spartan 4 with silver and crimson scout armor. So your the spartan 3
That was assigned here....
6 stood staring in silence at the spartan. 6 easily stood a foot taller than this spartan 4.
The two Spartans visors reflecting back at each other....

"Is there something you needed?"
Six said unknowing of what this spartan wanted.
"hmmm....just making friends."

"Nice to meet you....I have a briefing to go to."
As six began to walk off the spartan called back to him
"HEY!." Six turned around
"My names Iris.........."
Six turned around and continued walking...

"Shit that was a girl?.."
He thought to himself.
As he walked the rest of the way to the briefing room.

When 6 arrived at the briefing the automatic door opened before
Six came close enough for it to
Sense him


"Captain Relum."

"At ease soldier." 
"I'm here to pilot this frig to the other side of the planet."

"Where are the other Spartans?"
"On there way sir."

"So you've seen them?"

"I met one of them on the way here."

Just as 6 spoke 3 Spartans walked
Into the room.

"Ahh finally we can start the briefing."

The Spartans line up in a row with their hands behind their back
Except 6 who was at ease and
Comfortable in his stance at the moment.

"Alright Spartans."
"I know that your all tired and just wanted to take a load off. But this mission was too important.
Oni has just been informed that the UNSC has been planing piece talks between humans and sangheili.
As you all know oni would like to participate in this treaty....but could not find a spartan team that was open, Until you arrived. Your here for guards as well as intimidation
Or assassination if necessary."


All Spartans in unison

"Sir yes sir."
As the spartan 4s begin leaving
Six who was farthest away planned to leave last. however he noticed that one spartan did not walk out and looked at him....
On closer inspection he realized it was the spartan from earlier.

As the spartan waited patiently for 6 to approach six noticed the spartan slowly moving her hand to signify him to come over.

As six walked to the door the spartan spoke
"Hello agai...."
But the spartan cut her self off when she noticed six walk right passed her without saying a word or even acknowledging her existence.... 

Iris walked out of the room as well
And followed 6.
"Your not much of a talker."
Iris said
" Not really."
6 just wanted to go to his courters for the remainder of the time he would be on the frigate.
"So you were on reach?."
Iris said trying to start conversation

"Well you closed that conversation fast."

Six didn't know what she wanted with him. He thought about how they've been on this ship for 2 months and how no one spoke to him even once the entire trip. Six thought to himself why?why now?.

Six stopped at his door this slightly startled the spartan 4
Who was not paying attention simply playing follow the leader behind six.

"Is this your room?"

"Yes." Six said bluntly

"Can I come inside?"
"Why won't she just go away?....."  six thought to himself

"Hughhh.... sure"
He pressed in the code making sure not to let wondering eyes see it. As the door opened six gestured for her to go in first.

The spartan 4 looked slightly confused.
"What's wrong?"six said

"Nothing its just your room is so bland!"

"Oh." Six said slightly annoyed though hiding it
As he walked slowly to his bed to fix it.

"So you don't do anything besides eat and sleep."

"I train."
"When I feel like it."

Iris noticed six slowly sitting down into his bed and lay down in full spartan gear.
"What are you doing?" She asked confused

"Taking a nap. I probably won't get much sleep so I'll do it now."

"In your armor?"

"I don't feel like taking it off when I'm just taking a small nap. Just wake me up before we get there."

Iris noticed six's want to be left alone and ultimately left
Not even 45 minutes later.

Knock , knock , knock.
"Where almost there get up."

As six grumbled the headache he felt that all feel after being disturbed from a slumber slowly died down.. he forced himself up from his bed he groggily went to open the door...

"Welcome to the land of the living. Get a good sleep?"

As six struggled to fight the groggy feeling he let out a horribly tired voice    "No."

"You look great! Come on. We have to get to the diplomats and lead them off the frig.."

Six shook his head and walked out the door leading the spartan 4 to the diplomats courters.

As six approached the diplomats room he noticed the two other Spartans standing by waiting

"What's going on?" Six asks

"The damned diplomat refuses to come out till he's fully dressed.
We've been waiting out here the whole time! We sent iris to come get you."
The first Spartans said with obvious  annoyance.

"Stuck up prick, I hate diplomats"
The other spartan said under his breath.
The door opened abruptly

" I'm ready to participate in the talks."
The diplomat said with the shirt that basically says I'm a prick right on it.
"Yah finally.." the spartan whispered.
As the 4 Spartans lead the man off the ship they question why out of all the people oni could've picked did they chose this one?

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