A Long Mission

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Six awoke from his sleep this time having no dreams,
Which he was actually happy about since his recent night terrors.

Turning he saw that both Sangheili were still asleep in their beds softly snoring.
As he looked around he heard a knock on the door.

(Knock, knock, knock)
Not wanting to disturb the sleeping Sangheili Six opened the door himself. Being met with a sharp gaze from lord Hood.

"Ahh Noble Six good to see your doing all right after the incident."

"Like wise sir"

"Well I'm here to inform you that there is a new spartan team here on Sangheilios and they will be arriving shortly."

Six thought about what Lord Hood said, taking a quick and subtle sigh at the situation, and looking back at the elites seeing that they were stirring in their sleep.

"Let's go to the air pad then"
Six said towards Lord Hood who nodded in compliance.

(Later that day on the top of the Keep)

A pelican landed on top of the keeps landing pad
Taking great care not to break anything
A trio of Spartans walked out from the back of the pelican being greeted by Lord Hood and Noble Six.

"Good to meet you spartan my names Lord Hood"

"Rey Toppler, like wise sir"

"This is my associate Noble Six"

"I've heard of Him the Hero of Reach huh"
Rey said turning to face Six, and shaking his hand.

"I have a gift for you spartan, directly from ONI."

Six cocked his head to the side slightly not expecting any gifts especially from ONI, but decided it was best to go along with it.
With that said Hale came out of the pelican with a large metal package carefully handing it to Six.

"Just uh don't drop it okay."
Hale said sarcastically towards Six with a large smile under her mask.

"I have it."
Six said nonchalantly.

"Well then we should find our rooms then shouldn't we."
Rey said through his British accent motioning for his team to follow.

The Spartans began walking in a straight line six slightly leaned to see the last spartan that didn't introduce herself noticing her silence Six saw the name Mary scratched on the chest plate of her armor and assumed that was her name.
The trio walked into the Keep following the elite honor guards inside leaving Six and Lord Hood alone again giving them time to speak.

"So ONI's giving you presents now huh."
Lord hood questioned Six.

"I wasn't expecting an early birthday present sir."

"Well its best you open it now let's see what they've given you."

Six nodded his head and opened the metal box with his hand. Holding down the scanner then the box began to glow blue and twist open like a puzzle.
Falling into two pieces.
Inside was a glowing blue chip.
Six could never mistake it as it had to be an AI chip.

"An AI?"
Is all Lord Hood said as he stared at the small glowing chip.

"Looks like ONI's giving me an AI."
Six responded taking the chip in his hurt arm and placing it inside his helmet.

Six's hud began to light up as the AI arose from its sleep.

"Yaaaawwwnn..... good morning."

"Good morning" six responded to the feminine voice.

"Oh are you my Spartan partner?"
The AI asked through her curiously cute voice.

"I would assume so."

"Well then allow me to introduce myself!"
My names Vorrina I am your new personal AI assistant."

"Nice to meet you Vorrina my name is ________ but just call me Noble Six."

"Of course Six!"
Vorrina responded

Lord hood turned to the spartan only hearing fragments of the conversation.
"So her names Vorrina?"

"Yes sir."

"Well let's get going back inside Noble."
With that said the three went back inside Vorrina chattering to Six the whole way.

"Does she ever stop talking?"
Six thought to himself her voice was cute but she just wouldnt shut up about every little detail of the Keep
Calling out every little structure and statue inside the vast building.
To much boring history that Six did not care for.
All he needed to know was how to blow it up if the need arises.

(Authors note)

Hello guys sorry I've been gone so long I ran into some personal issues and then I had some serious writers block I hope this chapter is everything you hoped for and more
Don't forget to read my other story (wolf skins)
If you like vampires werewolves and witches
I'm also putting in Easter eggs and stuff into the chapters. So be on the look out for those.

Anyway I really do want you guys to read wolf skins it would mean a lot to me and I can focus on both stories at once if it gets enough reads.
Anyway tell me what you think about this chapter and tell me whatcha think if you have anything you want me to add to it just ask!
Sorry for it being so short I'll make a longer one soon

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