Secrets Are Secrets For a Reason

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"Spartan you didn't have to do that!"
Tievva said flailing around behind Six who was casually walking down the hall.

"What do you mean?"
Six asked curiously at the elite who was panicking.

"You didn't have to challenge Suttevv like that!"
Tievva desperately shouted at Six who slowed his pace allowing Tievva to pass him up.

"What is the problem here?"
Six questioned exhausted at her exaggerated expressions.

The elite cocked her head to the side, and stopped walking. confused at the spartan who showed no fear at the situation. clearly he does not know the danger he is in Tievva thought to her self.

"Huggghhg... it is clear to me that you know nothing about Suttevv."

Six said bluntly surprising the small sangheili in front of him.

"He is champion of his keep and is one of the few my father has selected to court with me."

Six rolled his eyes underneath his helmet slightly annoyed at the aliens blabbering.

"As he said he was covenant he was a Field Marshal."

"Field marshal..."
Six stood dead in his tracks causing Tievva to bump into him not expecting him to abruptly stop turning to look at Tievva Six questioned.

"He was Field Marshal?"

"Yes he was."
Tievva said looking at Six apologetically for getting him tied into this seeing that he seemed frightened learning the rank of the elite he was to face.

"Are you alright Demon? You are not afraid are you?"

Six looked down at his feet Tievva was afraid that the spartan had lost his nerve. But in reality under his mask he was grinning.

"Hmhmhm. Seems like this might be fun after all."
Six chuckled calmly striking a nerve in the elite who closed her eyes and nervously spoke
"You scared me for a second."

"I did?"

"Y,Yeah.. I thought you where afraid of facing him for a moment."

Six looked at the elite and shook his head to the side.

"No I'm excited I needed to hit something anyway."

Six thought about what happened earlier running the incident through his head again.


The elite was across from Six holding his head directly in front of his  helmet leaving a fog on The Spartans visor  from the aliens breath.
While Tievva hid behind the human for protection from Suttevv.

"humans are all weak, your no different demon."
The elite snarled

"I can't wait to cut you down later."

Six leaned forward getting even closer to the elites face looking dead center through his visor Six simply responded.

"Where and when."

*flashback end*

"It's not until later tonight in the court yard so you have plenty of time to prepare spartan. And on the positive side no one has to know about it so you can do it in complete secret!"

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